Chapter 25

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Hunter POV

I couldn't get out of that room fast enough. It was too much.

So I ran out of the house, as fast as I dared in human speed. I ran and ran until I was somewhere deep in the forest.

Only then, with no human in sight did I shed my mask. Unvelieng the truth behind the dead eyes.

I sank to the floor, my back hit a tree. I ran my hands through my hair wanting to pull them out one by one.

I had done it, I had torn out her heart after I had begged for it to beat.

Aiza had been dying in the hospital, she was at the very edge and I could not watch the life slip out of her when I knew the reason she was in that situation in the first place was because of me. 

So I did the one I thing I could do, I asked for her life and in exchange I would give my life to the queen. My grandmother lifted the spell that would have killed Aiza. Now I was tied to the vow I had made to her. I will become King for our tibe, and Aiza would live. She would not die at the hands of my grandmother.

If I had told Aiza the truth she would have fought me, and tried to find a reason to stay with me. But my world will be too dangerous, and I could not risk her life.

Not when she wasn't my love. She was my life. My only life.

And I tore her part, I shattered her. So she can start a new life. One without me, and all the complications that came with it.

In this moment she hates me, but I would rather have her hate then have her not exist in this world. Just to know that she is out there breathing will be enough to keep me going.

It will have to be enough.

And when she was ready to move past me.  I will let Yahaha arrange the divorce. So she could be free to live her life with someone she chooses.

I could have done it now, but I just couldn't . Letting her go was hard enough, but knowing for certain that she would no longer be my wife would kill me. But when she was ready to move I would accept that death, when the time came I would let my wife go.

But for now I wanted to hold onto that one connection.

I knew I had done the right thing, but I was being torn to shreds on the inside. The frustration and anger at our situation took form. Tears rolled down my face. I should wipe them away but I didn't because this might be the last time I let myself feel. Fustrated I let my hands down and punched the floor.

Just then I felt a vibration under me. I looked up to see some of the trees around me had been pulled into the ground, as if the earth had pulled them under.

I hadn't even ascended the throne yet and my jinn powers were expanding, just then next to one of the trees I noticed a figure.

Liybha. Aiza's mother.



Hope you guys enjoyed the updates :)

P.S If you want to annoy me you can give me a follow on Instgram: idreamworrds

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