Chapter 12

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"Okay go over what you're going to do if Mom and Daddy call." Aiza demanded

Hussain sighed and repeated;

"I know, you've told me this a million times. I tell them you have some assignment you are working on during these summer holidays and if they really want to talk to you; I call you and put you on phone with them and you tried to tell them but the New Zealand antartica winds are messing up the line connections."

"Are you sur-"

"Yes, don't worry about me. I will be fine. I have Yahya with me. You should be worried about yourself, maybe I'm crazy to let you go off like this but I don't wanna risk another one of this" He pointed to the bruise on the side of his face

Aiza gave a guilty grin

"Haha ya sorry about that"

"Ya you better be" He looked over to Aiza's side where Yahya had appeared, standing with his hands folded neatly. He reminded Hussain of Castiel from Supernatural except that Yahya had a bit more confidence and a threatening exterior.

"Aiza, Haroon is ready

Hunter walked in, wearing black jeans a gray top and a leather jacket. His eyes alert, his hair freshly washed and Aiza could smell the clean lemony laundry scent of his which she loved. He raised his eyebrows in greeting. She turned to Yahya

"Why do you call him Har-" Aiza began

"These questions can be asked later" Hussain began, he pushed Aiza behind him and stood taller. He pointed his finger at Hunter

"You better bring her back home safely. I ain't no crazy half ass Jinx but I sure as hell know how to murder someone. And believe me I will butcher you if you let anything happen to her, I will take your head and-"

"Okayyy that's enough of the graphic brotherly threat Hussain" Aiza jumped from behind him

"I promise I won't let anything bad happen to her" Hunter ignored Aiza and seemed to take Hussain's words seriously. Hunter took a lot of things to seriously these days and Hussain's threat was one of them.

"Okay well, ya off you go" Hussain said

Aiza moved to pick up her bag but Hunter was already there picking it up for her, she turned to face Hussain.

"If you need anything at all call me"

"Don't worry Aizoo I got this"

"I know that" She smiled, a little watery eyed, she reached out and messed his hair.

"Well, Allahafiz" She turned

"Aizoo?" Hussain called

She turned around


"Huggy?" he said holding out his arms

She laughed, when Hussain was a toddler he would say that. Her brother, like any other brother in the world avoided hugging his sister because of the unsaid universal rule, but when it came to serious things like this, Hussain rose to the occasion in his unique way

"Of course Hossy" She laughed and hugged

"We need to leave Aiza. The taxi is waiting. "

"I will murder him if something happens to you" He whispered as a good-bye


"Ladies and gentleman this is your pilot speaking, our flight TK1978 is getting ready for landing in Baghdad. Crew members please ensure every equipment is put away. Passengers please make sure you have your seats upright, food trays locked, feet flat on the floor and your seat belts on"

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