Chapter 10

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I froze. Hunter froze.

Hussain actually looked angry, my baby brother looked menacing and all of a sudden I realized how much taller he had gotten. He was only two years younger than me, 16 and the basketball practices had gotten some muscle on him. He glowered at Hunter and walked forward.

"What do you think you're doing mate?"

Hunter just looked confused. I could almost hear him think his sarcastic answer.

"Don't" I whimpered

He didn't.

Hussain stopped a foot before Hunter, chest almost touching his and I had never felt more awkward in my whole life. It was my husband vs my brother, and I didn't know which team I should be rooting for, if I was even allowed because I felt like a damn culprit.

"I go away for a couple of days and this gave you a chance to make your move?"

"Watch what you're saying Hussain" Hunter replied, he looked distinctly angry.

"Really? Or what? You what mate? Whatcha gonna do?"

Hussain was almost in Hunters face and Hunter took a step back.

"Listen man I don't know how to explain this to you but your sister and I.."

I groaned. Not this. Ya Allah anything but this conversation.

Hussain folded his arms on his chest. Waiting.

Hunter linked my hand with his, my left hand and held it up to show Hussain.

I was wearing my ring, I don't know why but I felt the need to have a symbol that what we were doing was halal.

"Um ya so uh this..." He pointed at my ring

"This what?"

"Dude um this means we're married"


Hunter looked at Hussain, probably trying to figure out whether he was dumb or crazy, to be honest I was thinking along the same lines.

"Well since we're married that means we can..uh...damn this is awkward"

Tell me about it, I tried to take my hand away from Hunter but he clutched it.

"You know husband and wife uhh...umm..ouch!"

Hussain and had darted forward and punched Hunter on his stomach.

"HAHAHAHA, your face! This has to be the funniest thing in the entire world, HAHAHA"

Hunter looked at him in shock and I breathed.

"You what? Hussain you peice of..I can't believe it, mate you know how awkward that was" Hussain was clutching his sides now.

"We" Hussain said quoting Hunter

Hunter laughed in relief

"Man you suck"

Hussain got up and more seriously said

"Okay no but seriously, don't do all this lovey dovey stuff around me. And let go of her hand!"

For a second I thought he wouldn't but then he did, best not provoke Hussain now

"My man, you wanna shoot some hoops?"

"Sure go ahead, I'll catch up"

Hussain raised his eyebrows and punched Hunter on his arm again, probably a little harder to be 'just joking', it was more like a warning and with that he walked out again.

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