Chapter 24

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Yes!!!  guys I know it's been really long since the last update. Over the years we have gotten wonderful comments and messages for us to continue the story. And finally, your prayers are get answered!!!


Aiza POV

Two Weeks Later

I was scrolling meaningless through my instgram feed when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. A quick glance at the time confirmed who would soon be standing in my room.

Hunter.  My husband. 

The father of the child we had lost.

My breath got caught in my lungs as the reality weighted me down. I had never felt so empty in my life before. We had agreed to having a child as a way of pushing back the Jinn Queen. So Hunter would not be forced to sit on the throne. That had been our way out.

But I had come to love a child that had not even taken a breath in this world. Because it wasn't just any child. It had been 'our' child. It pulled us closer togther. Hunter and I had the kind of relationship that I had only read about or seen on TV.

But who knew that everything would change.

Everything had changed, even Hunter. 

I had nearly died, I had been dead for two whole seconds, but by some miracle my heart had started to fight and I wish it hadn't. I wish it has hadn't betrayed me, I wish it had stayed silent. Becuase at that moment I had been content with my life, I had been cherished and been loved by Hunter. 

The knock on the door brought me back to reality.

"Come in" I said, forcing a smile on my lips.

Since when did Hunter need to knock on the door for permission? Well, now he does, every dam time he comes over.

He entered, carrying a bouquet of flowers.

My smile almost faltered at the sight, I knew what was coming. But I refused to let my feelings resurface.

Hunter smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. Eyes that used to glimmer at the sight me stayed empty. They had been empty since the moment I woke up without our child.

He pulled out the chair from my study desk and set it next to my bed. Sitting down he placed the flowers on the bed.

"How are you?" he asked.

"Okay" I lied. Hunter just nodded in response.

My Hunter would have called me out on my lie. He would have pulled me in his arms and told me that it was okay to not feel okay. That togther we would get through this, we would survive this pain togther.  

My Hunter would have never walked in like a stranger, visiting me everyday just for small talk. My Hunter would have stayed by my side, he would have have fought with my parents to be next to me. But my Hunter was gone. He had died that day in the hospital along with our child.

"I need to talk you about something." Hunter finally said.

Here we go.

"You and I had our nikha done at a young age. Later we got to know each other and the more time we spent each other the more we started to feel things for each other. I know you sacrificed a lot for me. Even to the point of trying to save me from the queen. And I loved you for that. But.."

"But I cant help you anymore, with no child to give us time. You need to find other ways to free yourself." I finished for him.

"Yes, and I loved what we had. It was real but it wasn't enough." He started again.

He was speaking but I heard only one word.


He had loved me. He was no longer in love with me. Not when he knew we had no future. He went on to tell me how he has found her. I was barely hearing him. 

A few days ago Yahya had paid me visit and told me that an ifrit from an opposing tribe had reached out. She had agreed to side with Hunter and fight against the her long term enemy; Hunter's grandmother. After they were done she would grant Hunter his freedom.

"-I really need this Aiza. I need to end this. I want to be free from everything. All these shackles."

I understood what he was saying.

I was a shackle for him.

Even after his actions, and words he spoke I still needed to hear something. I need to know that our love was dead. Becuase despite what he was saying. Somthing small inside me was whispering. 

How can love just disappear?

"Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't love me." I told him, making him stop his rambling.

His head lifted up, his eyes locked with mine.

" I don't love you. I belive I did once. But it may have just been infatuation. Be-" 

"Stop." I ordered him, clenching my eyes shut. This was real, he was telling the truth, his eyes didn't shy away from the truth.

Once again I have been fooled. I read too much into what we had. I had created this perfect version of Hunter. But it only lasted a couple of momments.

Beacuse that moment was over. There was no longer a 'we' or 'us'.

My eyes were still closed when I felt his hands close over mine. 

"I'm sorry.I know I hurt you.I-" he startred.

Sorry. He was Sorry.

The sadness into me charged into something else. I wont let him pity me like a broken creature. I snapped my eyes open.

I pulled my hands from under him.

"Take your dam sorry and get out!"

His eyes widdned, it was clear he had not been expecting that. He was probably expecting tears and pleas.

But no. I won't beg for love when he has none to give. I wont let him him pity me.

"Aiza I-", my name on his lips that would normally cause my cheast to flutter only tightened in response now.

I picked up the flowers and threw them at the door.

"Get.Out." I was done with him.

He looked conflicted, and for a moment I thought he might stay. But he stood up and walked away from my life.

I stared at the door for minutes, hours, who knows how long?

Waiting in the hopes that this might all be a joke, and he will come back with his arms open and kiss away every doubt.

But he wasn't coming, not now, not in a few days, not in a few years. He was gone forever.

And I waited. I waited not for him this time but for the tears to come. 

But nothing resurfaced, I felt empty and hallow. I rubbed my eyes again and again trying to force myself to shed even an anouce of tear. But my face stayed free from any moisture.

Something was wrong with me.

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