Chapter 21

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"You sure you're okay?" Hunter asked settling me down on the bed.

"Yes, don't worry it was just a little dizzy spell" I assured him. I had just changed into my sleeping clothes which consisted of just his t-shirt which came down to my knees. I had whirled the bathroom door open when suddenly I felt the room spin around me.

I lost my balance and my face would have greeted the ground if Hunter had not pulled me up.

"Well, I am not taking any more chances with dizzy spells or anything else, first thing tomorrow we are going to the doctor."


"No, but I already made the appointment when you went on your little adventure trip."

"Okay, Mr bossy," I pulled him down on the bed, situating myself on top.

"What are you doing babe?" Hunter asked as my hands wandered south.

"Trying to bring my hubby back to me, away from that grumpy hubby"

"I'm sorry but I couldn't see you hurt," his hands glided softly over my cheeks.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"No your not, you miss your family, without them y-"

"Please, can we not talk about this now?"I could already feel the pressure building in my chest. I needed to get rid of this feeling, I needed a distraction. I needed Hunter to indulge me in his world.

"Later then?"

"Mmm possibly" I had other things on my mind

"Yes later, right now I need to finish what we started in the kitchen," I told him, kissing his neck. I heard him growl with pleasure but then he pulled me back up.

"As much as I would like to finish what we started, I don't think that our reason for doing this should be just because you need a distraction."

I stared at him for a few seconds, trying to process what he was saying. Hunter didn't want me.

"Gee sorry for pushing you when you clearly don't want me."

I rushed to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me, even though I knew it would not hold Hunter back,stupid Jinx powers. I pulled the toilet lid down, dropped my trembling body down. The tears rolled down my cheek, I didn't want to think about my mum, didn't want to feel her hatred. I just wanted it all gone. Hunter wouldn't do it, he would not help me, maybe seeing me miserable like this makes me unattractive, obviously he doesn't want a wrecked girl. How could I have been so stupid to demand these things from him?

Maybe he was tired of me?

Of course, he was gorgeous. I was average. I just felt beautiful under his sweet but untruthful compliments.

"Please Aiza, don't do this."

He was kneeling in front of me. He pulled my arm, placed a soft kiss on the inside of my palm.

"Please," I pleaded.

"You're not thinking clearly babe"

"I don't give a shit about right and wrong right now, I just need to forget everything. I need you, please."

He looked up. Irises wide. Gulping. I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his cupid's bow. 

His eyelids fluttered shut. He breathed and with a sudden intensity he opened them. Emeralds blazing. Fire. Water. Earth. Sky. Everything was held in those amazing eyes. 

I don't know what made him change his decision, was it the desperation in my voice? But I saw the change, his self-control break in his house. His eyes grew wild with acceptance.

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