7) "Why don't you stay the night?"

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Dedication: JacumBarakat for the comments! And yes, oh my god malum. Michael's new hair is giving me breathing problems.

[may be a bit dirty when they wait for the driver may not be dirty we may never know]

Luke still hasn't gotten the thought of Michael in thigh-high socks out of his mind since he first saw him in a skirt. It's been 3 days and Michael was doing very well in his classes and was a straight A student. Luke was surprised and impressed that someone could catch up on a class' topic in 3 days. It took him about a month when he first went to there school. Anyways, he was currently pacing around in his room with Gigi on his bed, just watching him as he walked back and forth. He was debating on whether to invite Michael over and they could hang out since they didn't have school tomorrow. The principal announced that the teacher's are having 2 days off and that they were free. Luke took this as a chance to get to know Michael better and dig further into his cave of secrets.

Gigi had finally had enough and rolled her eyes, stood up, grabbed Luke by the shoulder. She looked him straight in the eye sternly said, "Talk to him." Luke went to protest immediately. "But he-" She cut him off. "Talk. To. Him." Gigi nodded her head to his phone in his hand and he hesitated. This could end up in 2 ways. Michael agrees, and they fall madly in love. Michael disagrees and tells him he has plans, and they don't fall madly in love. Luke didn't like the second way. He sighed exasperatedly and grumbled out a 'fine'. He went on his phone and looked for Michael's contact.

'Kitty Kat Michael 💕'

He smiled softly and quickly clicked on the call button.

3 rings.

5 rings.

7 rings.

He bit his lip as his shoulder was already going numb from holding the phone up to his ear. He was beginning to think he never has a chance with Michael anymore. Just as he was about to hang up, someone picked up.

"H-hello?" He heard Michael pant and he went pale. "Michael? Hey, what are you doing?" Michael's panting increased and he choked out, "Nothi-ing." Luke felt his heart drop and he sadly continued. "Oh. Um, do you maybe wanna come by and we can hangout? If you want to, I'm not gonna force you or anything."

He felt Michael take a deep breath, and then he heard Michael's soft voice. "Of course! Just, um, wait a couple minutes, 'kay?" Luke frowned. What could Michael possibly be doing? He couldn't have been with a guy, right?

"Um, sure, okay."

The line went dead and Luke slowly pulled his phone away from his ear. He stared at the screen for a good minute before throwing his phone at his bed, walking out of his room leaving a cackling Gigi on the bed.


It had been 15 minutes and Michael was already here. Luke nearly choked on his spit when he saw what Michael was wearing.

Fucking thigh-high socks.

It's like he read Luke's mind. And his skin was glowing and Luke couldn't help but remember that that was how he looked like after he had sex since he was pale. Luke immediately frowned, and Michael walked to him, cupping his cheeks and looking directly into his eyes. "What's wrong? I just got here and you're just gonna frown?" Michael pouted a bit, and Luke smiled and leaned into his hands.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just a little tired, Kitten." He reassured him, resting both of his hands on his hips and pulling him closer. Michael's pout turned into a cute little smile and he bounced slightly on his boot clad feet. "Good. I wouldn't want my little blonde sad." He joked, but Luke was blushing furiously at the nickname. Michael was gonna be the death of him.

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