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I just remained froze until I noticed his presence, I couldn't believe it.

My vision was already blurry from the tears that were forming in my eyes.

He came to me and I felt his body next to mine, I was feeling his smell, his warmth, I was feeling my love's body again.

He brought me into a warm hug and I hugged him back, then with a calm kiss, but full of love and longing, I felt that a part of me had been brought back, and now I feel complete again, I feel happy and complete, which I haven't felt for a while.

Being in his arms right now was the most comforting thing in the world for me.

Oliver ━━━ I promised I'd come, that I'd come get you — he kissed my forehead and then my belly — I love you.

Rebecca ━━━ I love you so much.

Oliver ━━━ my love, your belly is so beautiful — he knelt down and talked to his child — hi my angel, did you miss you daddy, I missed you more than anything in this world my baby, the most beautiful thing in this world world — I could feel his strong embrace, demonstrating how much he missed him — I promised that, didn't I? I promised that I would wait for you, that I would take care of you both, I promised.

Rebecca ━━━ Yes you did.

Oliver ━━━ now let's go to the car, we gotta go out of here.

Rebecca ━━━ I just want to be by your side.

Rachel ━━━ Rebecca, are you there? — hearing her voice made me roll my eyes. No fuckin way — Rebecca? — she was insisting on the door.

It's impossible for anyone to be as much of a killjoy as my girlfriend's mother m.

Rebecca ━━━ hide yourself, finds me near the parking lot, you know my mother's car.

Oliver ━━━ okay my love — I gave her a kiss before he hid in the bathroom.

Rabecca ━━━ I'm here mom — I unlocked the door so she could enter. — I'm fine, I just wanted to be alone for a while.

Rachel ━━━ okay I got it, but you worried me.

Rebecca ━━━ sorry beautiful — I kissed her cheek and we walked out of the bathroom.

Rachel ━━━ our orders have arrived.

Rebecca ━━━ Mom, I don't think I wanna eat croissant anymore.

I want to eat croissant so bad, this is just an excuse to keep her distracted so I can get the hell out of here.

There are so many things going through my mind right now, like, how did he find me, it can't be a coincidence that he came to this place, I know I came all this way because of a simple cup of coffee that I was told was delicious, but Oliver in the same place, same day and same time as me? How crazy.

I can't stop smiling, it feels like I'll need to dig out the rebellious teenager that lives in me.

Rachel ━━━ I ordered you a sandwich, but no avocado and eggs, right? — she said, sitting up.

17 Years and Pregnant ❝ 𝔒𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔐𝔬𝔶 ❞Where stories live. Discover now