Chapter 1

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"Shh- someone is going to hear"

"Well fucking get on with it then, James. Besides, I thought you didn't mind me being loud?" Regulus looked up at James with a small quirk to his mouth.

"Yes..." James cleared his throat roughly, "well maybe not when we're stuck in a broom closet next to your bloody brother". Regulus pushed up against James' tall frame, peppering kisses along his jaw, down his neck resulting in a wonderful whimpering sound from the other boy.

"Why didn't you check the bloody map" he said between kisses, his hands exploring the wide expanse of the older boy's chest.

"Uh, seriously Reggie, you have to stop, he could hear us" James whined. He was pinning Regulus against the wall of the small broom closet making no attempt to let the other boy stop his ministrations. "And I did check the map- I swear he was on the other side of the castle". James nuzzled his face against Regulus's cheek as Regulus' hands moved further south along the planes of his body and pushed them together until there was no space between them. Regulus felt his breath become more ragged as their movements became more desperate.

"Please James- I just need..."

"I know sweetheart" James panted into Regulus' mouth as he lifted Regulus's frame and pinned him closer to the wall. "Just be quiet"

Regulus wrapped a leg around James' thigh, as he brought their lips together in a slow, practiced motion, slowly licking into James' mouth and drawing out the most beautiful sounds from the older boy. "Quick just let me..." Reg whispered against James' mouth as he reached between them to unbutton the other boys fly.

CRASH. Both boys froze as an immense crash came from the charms classroom on the other side of the closet door. Regulus met James' panicked wide eyes as they waited for their inevitable fate. Sirius was on the other side of that door and here they were acting reckless. They had been secretly meeting in the charms room for weeks and had so far remained undetected. That was until they heard Sirius' unmistakable and very loud voice booming down the corridor. They had only just managed to scramble into the nearest cupboard when the charms classroom door had slammed open with an almighty bang followed by the confident stride of Sirius and Mary Macdonald, who had apparently decided it would make the perfect location to revise for the upcoming exam. At least that was what Regulus had assumed, it now appeared that their reasons for being in the small unused room were at least as innocent as his and James' had been.

Regulus looked up at James with horror as the faint moans began to filter through the door. "Are they..." Regulus said thunderstruck as the reality of what they were about to hear sunk in. "No James, absolutely not. You have to go and stop this"

"And what do you propose I tell your brother when he asks why I was hiding in a closet." James replied, clearly struggling to hold his laughter.

"I don't fucking care, I can't listen to this, I'll be traumatised." Regulus replied as he dropped down from where James had him pinned against the wall.

"More than you already are?" James quipped as he buttoned up his trousers and moved towards the door. "Godric, apparently problems with volume control is a Black family trait" he said, glancing back with a grin. Regulus' crossed his arms and sent James an unimpressed glare.

James wasn't wrong however, the disturbing sounds from the other room were increasing in volume and Regulus was sure that was a desk he could hear rattling across the stone floor. James bent down to peep through a crack in the doorframe as Regulus slid down the furthest wall of the closet. "What are you trying to see you perv" he hissed. James whole face was now pressed entirely against the wooden door, pushing his glasses askew.

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