Chapter 8

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Lily made her way over to where James and Regulus were paddling with the children in the surf, they played happily together for about an hour. Regulus even rolled up his trousers and splashed alongside the children and dog. Eventually the stray bounded off into the dunes and Regulus and Lily wrapped the boys in big towels, bringing them towards the house for lunch. Regulus found Sirius lounging on a sofa inside.

"You okay?" he asked. Surprised at the concern in his own voice.

"Just great," Sirius replied.

The group meandered lazily around the house and ate lunch before Marlene suggested that they all take a walk along the coastal path to enjoy the sun that had begun to poke its way through the clouds. Sirius notably deflating when Remus and Simon decided to stay behind as Remus' hip was giving him trouble. The remaining members of the group pulled on their walking shoes and after Regulus corralled Draco into a warmer jumper, they began making their way along the coastline.

As they walked through the flat, expansive countryside, the late afternoon sun revealed itself from the large billowy clouds overhead. Regulus squinted up at the sky as he felt the rays across his face, and he realised that he had begun to enjoy himself. James' quick dismissal, while difficult to stomach, had also made it simple. There didn't need any more awkwardness, James was clearly ready to move on.

Draco and Harry ran ahead of the group, followed shortly by Lily and Peter. Regulus fell to the back, enjoying the relative solitude.

"Frank!" James called suddenly as a group crested the hill in front of them. Regulus could make out the figures of two men and a woman. James bounded forward and embraced the first man, who Regulus now recognised as Frank Longbottom, with a friendly embrace before patting the other man and the woman on the shoulder with warm affection. The other man, Regulus realised, was another old Gryffindor, Gideon Prewett. The striking woman standing next to him was a very familiar face, Dorcas Meadowes, a Slytherin in the year above him. He jogged up quickly and hugged his old friend that he hadn't seen since Hogwarts. He realised slightly belatedly that they had never really hugged before. Sirius was making him sentimental, he thought resentfully.

Dorcas didn't seem to mind as she hugged him warmly back and Regulus was glad to see her. A weekend surrounded by Gryffindors had made Regulus hungry for some less overwhelmingly cheerful company, Dorcas' was infamous for her biting sarcasm and quick wit. She hadn't changed much from her school days, she was still tall and willowy, long braids fell down her back, delicate gold jewellery glinting against her dark skin. Regulus knew that she was an auror now and as he took in her travelling companions, he realised that all three were most likely James' colleagues at the ministry.

"Glad you could come, I thought you might not make it." James said as he took in the trio.

"Nearly didn't, had some trouble with a loose boggart. Alice sends her apologies; she had to stay and clean up the mess." Frank replied. He looked towards Harry and Draco. "I didn't realise you were bringing the kids. I would have brought Neville along. Left him with his grandmother the poor sod, he may never forgive me."

"I'm sure he will" James laughed as he guided Frank around and they continued their journey along the coastal path, immediately launching into a serious discussion about the boggart-related havoc. Dorcas stepped into line with Regulus as he fell towards the back of the group once more.

"How have you been Regulus?"

"Oh you know... same old". He had been getting somewhat tired of the question. "How are you? I heard you were the one to land the final blow."

Dorcas couldn't resist the wide grin that spread across her face. "In no small part thanks to you." She teased. Regulus rolled his eyes. They continued along a while longer catching up about old Slytherin friends, noticeably not mentioning those that had died, or those that had been the most enthusiastic of Voldemort's supporters. As they trundled along, Regulus noticed Marlene kept glancing back at the pair. He immediately became self-conscious and started checking himself, did he have something on his face? Maybe his fly was open? Marlene kept shooting them looks across her shoulder and Regulus quickly became irritated. He tried to temper his annoyance as he knew that his sudden distaste for the woman was entirely born out of jealousy. He couldn't possibly be resentful of every person James had a relationship with. James had made it clear he wasn't interested, and he just had to live with it. The fifth time Marlene's head spun their way, however, Regulus couldn't resist sticking his tongue out at her teasingly. Her eyes grew wide, and a quick flush covered her face as she snapped her head around. Regulus felt immediately guilty that it may have been a bit harsh.

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