Chapter 9

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Regulus felt himself relax in James' presence after their conversation, a tension he hadn't really been aware of, loosening slightly. James too seemed to sense the shift as he appeared more at ease around Regulus. As James helped Harry and Draco eat their breakfasts, he asked Regulus about the café, and his friends. Regulus found himself laughing far more freely, he hadn't noticed how heavy he had felt even the night before.

They decided to have a friendly game of Quidditch on the beach before heading off for the weekend. Lily, who had very little interest in the sport stayed at the cottage with the children. The group made their way down to the now-familiar beach. As James conjured some makeshift hoops floating in the air, Remus drew a wide disillusionment charm around the area to deter any muggles that might walk by. They split into two teams of four. Regulus, Gideon, Dorcas, and Marlene were on one team. James, Mary, Frank, and Sirius on the opposing side.

As each team warmed up and discussed tactics, Regulus realised that this might not be the friendly game that he had expected, Marlene was taking it very seriously. Her professional training pouring out of her as she instructed Gideon and Dorcas on different strategies and plays. When it came to Regulus, "I've seen you play. Catch the Snitch, Black," was all she said. Regulus couldn't keep the small smirk out his face, he knew he had been an excellent seeker and the approval from an expert was extremely flattering.

Regulus walked over to where Simon, Remus and Peter were sitting on a wide picnic blanket as the others continued warming up. Simon was almost shaking from excitement.

"I can't believe you actually have magic broomsticks."

"We don't call them magic broomsticks." Sirius said as he strolled over. "They're very complex pieces of equipment." Regulus rolled his eyes at the snark, Simon didn't seem to pick up on it.

"I suppose you'll say there are flying carpets next."

"Uh I wish, the fucking ministry put an embargo on them,"

"Sirius has a theory." Remus said in an amused tone to Simon.

"It's not a theory, its obvious. They've banned the imports to drive the cost of brooms up. No one makes them in this country and so they think if we can't get carpets, we'll all be flying around on brooms like it's the fucking 1600s."

"He desperately wants one." Remus added.

"Yes I fucking do!" Sirius responded, getting redder the more he thought about how unfair it was. "Tell me the last time you actually used a broom to get anywhere when you weren't playing Quidditch?" He directed at Remus.

"I can't remember the last time I was on one even to play Quidditch.' He responded.


"So your lot did used to fly around on them, in the olden days? Amazing!" Simon continued, eyes wide. "So, is all that stuff true? Did they really burn witches too?"

Sirius turned a deathly glare to Simon. "Yes Simon, they did. And it's a bit of a sensitive issue actually."

Simon's face dropped and grew red with embarrassment. Sirius proceeded to give him a disapproving look and sauntered away.

Remus just chuckled and squeezed Simon's shoulder reassuringly. Regulus, who had been standing watching Sirius' display quite amused raised his eyebrows at Peter and moved towards the makeshift pitch where James was giving his team what looked like a very serious pep-talk.

── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ──

The players each kicked off from the sand and Regulus at once felt the sting of sharp air on his face. He hadn't played Quidditch in years, not since Hogwarts. He felt the familiar patter of his heartbeat as the endorphins began pumping through him. He pushed down on his broom, flattening himself against the handle and darted forwards, swinging wide circles around the pitch in a euphoric blur.

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