Dinner dates

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Putting my gold hoops in my ears I look at myself in the mirror

Why I can't I be one of them pretty girls

The ones with perfect noses blue or green eyes and model height and big boobs

I guess we have deal with what we are given

Oh well I'm still gonna get a boob job

It's not like I can't afford

Pulling me out of my thoughts I hear a knock on the door that must be Logan

Running in the living room I grab my bag and throw on my black blazer over my short v neck dress with gold straps

Hey I might not be the prettiest but I have good style

Unlocking the front door I come face to face well not face to face

Face to chest with Logan king

Looking up I smile at him


Logan smiles back at me "hi"

Logan takes a step back for me to exit I turn around so I can lock my door making sure it's secure

I don't want a repeat of what happened last year

Definitely not

Logan out starches his arm "ready shortie?"

I link out arms together "ready"


"Here they are" I hear Sophia shout as we step out of Logan's car

She does her little pregnant lady walk over to me and pulls me into a big hug "hey sexy"

"Hey hot stuff,how are you?" I ask her placing a hand on her round belly

"All good but enough about me how are you feeling about your promotion?" She asks as we walk hand in hand into the restaurant the boys following behind us

"Amazing I can't believe he made me his assistant" I exclaim

Sophia eyes light up "he made you his fucking assistant? Soon your gonna be my fucking sister in law"

I bust out laughing "soph keep your voice down image if he heard"

Sophia raises her eyebrows as I open the door for her "he's probably all ready got a ring"

Shaking my head we wait at the counter for someone to come and take us to our seats

"Hello and welcome how may I help you all?" A older women asks and smiles politely

Rowa speaks up "hi I booked a table for king at 7"

The lady looks on the tablet screen for a moment before she start to speak again "of course follow me"

All for of us follow her to the back of restaurant by the windows that overlook some of skyscrapers

It's beautiful here

"Just me a shout when you are ready to order have a nice evening"

We all say thank and Logan pulls out my chair for me to sit

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