2. Chokey Chant

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before i start this chapter, i changed Matilda's little smart lines to Penelope's because i want her to be smart too, y'know
anyways she's a little baddie here 😍

Penelope POV.

So... you guys already know my morning routine so I'm just going to skip all that nonsense..!

Today Matilda didn't leave early, so we decided to walk to school together. Earlier this morning I saw her with fathers hat.. I wonder what that's about. Anyways!!

When we arrived at school, I followed Matilda to her little friend group because they're technically my friends too.. even if they're like 6...

The first thing I noticed when we got there was that Nigel was missing. I was really close with Nigel, he was like the little brother I'll never get. Before I could speak aloud my thoughts, Amanda said something.

"But how do they all fit in there? Her head's the same size as mine."

"Does it hurt, Matilda? Having all those brains squished in there?" Lavender asked.

"No. They seem to just.. fit in." Matilda replies.

"Can you do telekenipsis?" Eric asked, too.
"It's where you have loads of brains. They squish out through your eyes, and you can move things with your mind." He adds on.
"Look, watch this." He also says, getting down onto hit knees.

He starts aggressively staring at the can of soda, hoping it'll move..

Our staring is cut short by Bruce warning Matilda,

"It's not good to be clever. Not here."
"The Trunchbull hates kids being clever. She hates it!"
"Isn't learning what schools for..?" I ask.
"This isn't school. It's a prison. You don't want to get noticed, not by Agatha."
"They say she turned one kid inside out! He had to walk around in cling film to keep his organs in!" He exclaims.

"That didn't really happen, Bruce." Matilda replies, calmly.

"But she definitely sat on a year seven until he was jelly." Amanda says, with a little bit of sass.

"She caught Julies Rottwinkle eating a licorice allsort in class. She picked him up, swung him around and chucked him out of the window!" Lavender adds, warily.

"Look. Teachers don't really throw children. The big kids are just trying to scare you." I say, trying to calm them down.

"Scare, is it?" A very familiar voice says.
"You don't know scare until you've been in Chokey." She adds on.

"What's Chokey?" I ask, looking straight at her.

All of a sudden, everyone starts singing,

"There's a place you are sent if you haven't been good. And it's made of spikes! and wood! And it isn't wide enough to sit, and even if you could," The girl with the red beret then spins herself using the jungle gym while singing with everyone, "there are nails on the bottom so you with you stood." Hortensia then starts to climb as they sing together,
"When the hinges creak and the door is closed. You cannot see squat nor the end of your nose. And when you scream you don't know if the sound came out. Or if the scream in your head even reached your mouth!" Hortensia suddenly makes a gesture to her throat, sliding her thumb across the front of it, gesturing death.

Then all of a sudden Nigel comes running out,
"Hide me!!" He yells, panting slightly.
"Someone poured a can of treacle on the Trunchbull's chair. She thinks I did, but I never! Her knickers stuck to the seat."

All of the older kids start laughing. I even giggled a little.

"Silence!" Hortensia yells, quickly quieting down everyone.

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