3. Bruce!

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im very unmotivated but tbats not stopping me 💪
my special bbg m0mmyf1onaspubicha1r totally helped me..!
anyways enjoy

Apparently yesterday's punishment wasn't enough for Miss Trunchbull, so I have to follow her to the lunch room where she's going to supposedly punish my sister too. Why is it always us bro...

At least me and Hortensia are really close now! She even thinks we're best friends!

Anyways, as we walk in I see Matilda giving Ms. Honey a big hug. How sweet.! But the moment is interrupted by Miss Trunchbull speaking into her little announcement thingy,

"What a touching little scene."
She then walks down the stairs, but I decide to stay up here because why not?
"Move!" She yells. The kids scramble to move their tables and benches.
While making her way over, she starts speaking again,
"I believe I said this maggot was to receive no special treatment. This one especially."
"No, Miss Trunchbull, Matilda is not—" Miss Honey answers, but got cut off by Miss Trunchbull, 🙄
"Did you just say 'no,' Jenny?... To me..?" She asks, kinda calmly.

Miss Trunchbull then grabs Matilda's arm, dragging her to the stage and podium, announcing to everyone,
"Matilda Wormwood is a criminal."
She then turns on the PA thingy again,
"This morning, a piece of my private chocolate cake was stolen. It is my contention that you performed this vileness, Wormwood, you. You have two choices, admit your guilt and be punished, or called me a liar... and be punished."

Honestly I kinda zoned out after that, but what woke me up was Bruce's huge gross burp, like at least say excuse me. I guess he was the one who ate it..

I zoned out again because I really have nothing to do with all of this, but what finally woke me up was the three-tiered chocolate cake with cherries on top being rolled out here, in front of Bruce. What the heck??
"Eat." She says, strictly.
"He can't!" A group of kids whispered together.
"Eat." She says louder.
"He surely can't !" Another group of kids whispered to each other.
"Eat!" She says with more force.
"He might explode!" Yet another group of kids whispered, holding onto each other in fear.
"Eat!" She demands!

The kids behind her get up and start dancing and singing,
"A single slice. Or even two, Bruce. Might have been nice. But even you, Bruce. Have to admit. Between you and it, there's not a lot of difference in size."
"He can't! He can! He surely can't, he surely can't! You are the man, Bruce! He might explode! He's quite elastic.. He's going to blow! Make him stop! He's fantastic, look at him go! I can't watch! I think in effect. This must confirm, Bruce. What we all suspected, you have a worm, Bruce. Or maybe your largeness is a bit like the Tardis. Considerably roomier inside."
"He can't! He can! He surely can't! He surely can't! You are the man, Bruce!"

"B R O O C E!"

Kids start dancing in glittering silver blazers.

"You'll never again be subject to abuse, for you immense caboose. She'll call a truce, Bruce! With every swallow you are tightening the noose. We never thought it was possible, but here it is coming true. We can have our cake and eat it too! The time has come to put that tumbly tum to use. No excuse, Bruce. Let out your belt, I think you'll want your trousers loose."

"Ooooh, stuff it in!"
"Bruce!" Lavender and Nigel call.
"You've almost finished."
"Bruce!" Eric calls out.
"You'll fit it in."
"Whatever you do, just don't give in." Matilda songs along.
"Bruce!" Amanda calls, too.
"Don't let her win." I mutter, along with everyone else.

"Come on Bruce be our hero, cover yourself in chocolate glory!" As they sing, I make my way down the stairs to the door that leads to the hallway, aka the entrance and exit of the cantine.

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