TWO. two can keep a secret

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"HOLD ON!" Jack called, following Layla outside the dojo

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"HOLD ON!" Jack called, following Layla outside the dojo.

He finally caught up to her and stopped her in her tracks.

"What we're you doing in there?"

"Rudy let's me practice when no one's around. I find it soothing when Jerry is constantly staring at the back of my head."

"But why?"

"Jack, if I stand here and spill all of my secrets I won't be that brooding and mysterious teenage girl that everyone's obsessed with."

Jack titled his head slightly, "Okay, fair point."

"I bet you have secrets to. This one's mine."

And Jack respected Layla's answered and let her go without pushing anymore buttons.

But that didn't mean he wasn't curious. In fact, he would find a way to spend more time with her to see if she would spill the secret on her own... not for other more dating relations... oh no, never Jack Brewer.

But this was Jack Brewer, nothing was ever going to go 100 percent right the first time.

He had told Rudy the he was able to get Bobby Wasabi to come in for his birthday... which started off as a lie and turned into the truth in the matter of days.

And when Bobby walked into the dojo Rudy was quick to make fun of him and fight him without acknowledging that he was really Bobby Wasabi.

And Bobby was just as quick to fire him.

And with Rudy fired that meant Layla couldn't go to the dojo and work in what she needed to without Jerry staring at the back of her skull.

"Layla!" Jack cheered, approaching her in the mall, "I'm so, so glad to see you."

"Jack! I am so mad!" She smiled.

"Look, I know I messed up but I really need your help... especially if you don't want Jerry staring at you."

"He's doing it now." Layla pointed.

Jack turned with furrowed brows and saw Jerry smiling and staring over at the duo. Jack was quick to hit his shoulder to bring him back into some sort of reality.

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