SIXTEEN. and kiss me goodbye

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"AND FINALLY, our friendship has been a prof of comfort in the storm of life

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"AND FINALLY, our friendship has been a prof of comfort in the storm of life. Sincerely, Milton D. Krupnick." Jack read, "Wow. You really take this whole yearbook signing thing seriously, don't you?"

"It took two pages for Milton to sign my yearbook." Layla smiled, "That's why I have two of them."

"I can't wait to see what you guys wrote in mine." Milton smiled, flipping towards the last page of the book, "Take care." He read, turning towards Jack.

"I wasn't finished."

Jack took the book and simply finished his sentence by writing 'dude' at the end and smiled.

Layla took the yearbook from Jack's hands and began to write in Milton's yearbook. Kim soon came over and mentioned how she finally got her letter from the Otai Academy.

It was one of the greatest martial arts academies in the world and because she was so nervous, Milton decided to open her letter without being granted.

She got in and now it was her and Jerry leaving Seaford.

Jerry was offered to go to the Seaford Animal Park in Kenya for a research project.

Jack and Milton got "scholarships" in Washington, D.C., to attend Biltmore Academy.

And after shooting Jerry with a tranquilizer dart (for reason that will not be discussed) and dragging him into the dojo, Layla turned towards Jack with her own letter.

"Is that from the modeling agency in New York?"

"I wanted to wait to open it with you."

Jack smiled, "Well, open it."

She ripped the envelope open and took the letter from inside. She glanced over the letter before looking up at Jack.

"I got in." She smiled.

Jack held his bright smiled and hugged the his girlfriend tight.

In that moment, everyone was leaving Seaford and the Bobby Wasabi dojo.

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