EIGHTEEN. everyone will be looking at you

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KIM WAS finally moving back from Japan after her time at the Otai Academy

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KIM WAS finally moving back from Japan after her time at the Otai Academy.

And she brought her Grandmaster from Otai to come and visit the dojo.

"Ah! You must be Sensei Rudy." Tomo spoke, "I've come because three of the finest students I have ever seen have trained at this dojo."

"Thank you." Milton smiled.

"We do what we can." Jerry added.

"I was talking about Kim, Layla, and Jack." Tomo said, "Rudy, we are considering offering you a position as grandmaster at the Otai Academy."

"That'd mean he'd have to move to Japan." Milton said.

"Wait, Rudy's leaving us?"

"Relax." Layla smiled, "This is a big decision. Rudy loves this dojo more than anything. I'm sure he's going to take his time to make his decision."

"I'll be in the car, Tomo! Dojo's yours, Jack!" Rudy shouted.

After wrangling Rudy back inside, Tomo explained that they needed to know more about him before getting the position.

"We'll be talking to people that know you. I'll be returning tomorrow to interview your students."

"My students will give you the whole truth on Rudy Gillespie because as Sensei, I have taught them that there is nothing more important than honesty and integrity."

With that Tomo left and Rudy instantly turned towards the others.

"You guys are gonna lie like you have never lied before!"

"Rudy, shouldn't we just tell the truth?" Milton asked.

"Yeah. What, are you worried we're gonna say something embarrassing about you?" Jack questioned.

"Yes. Yes I am." Rudy answered, "Sometimes I can be..."

"A nut loaf?" Kim smiled.

"I was gonna say, slightly imperfect, but nut loaf works, too." Rudy said, "Now here's a few things that you're absolutely not allowed to talk about."

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