FOURTEEN. meet my... jack

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NOW THAT Jack and Layla had been together it was time that Jack finally met Layla's father, Michael

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NOW THAT Jack and Layla had been together it was time that Jack finally met Layla's father, Michael.

And because Jack had the "Jack factor" he believed that everything would go accordingly because "everyone loved Jack".

So, the next day, the couple met at Falafel Phil's.

Jack entered the restaurant and found Layla and her father sitting at a booth.

He fixed his shirt, ran his hand through his hair and placed a smile on his face.

"Hey, guys."

Layla looked up with a smile, "Hey. Jack, this is my dad. Dad, this is my... Jack. My Jack."  She smiled as he sat down next to her.

Michael reached his hand out to shake Jack's hand and he took it willingly.

"Nice to me you. Should I call you Micheal?"

"Mr. Beasley would be fine."

"Yeah. Yes, sir. Mr. Beasley, sir." Jack sighed, "So, uh, I hear you're in the automotive supplies, huh? Well, maybe I can get a muffler for this one when she gets all yappy 'cause once she gets goin', she's like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

He began to laugh and it quickly died down once he realized he was the only one laughing.

Layla awkwardly smiled and sat up in her seat, "Why don't you tell my dad the joke you told me earlier?"

"Let's hear it, Jack. I love jokes."

Jack smiled, "Where do penguins keep their money?"

"In a snowbank."

"Oh, you heard this one." He chuckled, "Up top."

Her father sighed and Jack lowered his hand.

"You know, Jack, many species of penguins are endangered. You think that's funny?"

"This isn't one of those laughing jokes. It's more of a... raise penguin awareness kind of a joke." Jack turned towards Layla, "Why don't we order?"

As Jack reached out to grab the menu, he accidentally spilled the water cup into her father's lap.

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