NINE. remember me

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JACK WAS trying to beat this world record for most bricks broken under that age of 15

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JACK WAS trying to beat this world record for most bricks broken under that age of 15. He had a limited amount of time to complete the task as someone from the world record book was on their way to check Jack out.

"Hey, Jack." Layla called, "Here." She handed him of her hair ties, "Do what you want with it. Call it whatever. I just hope you beat the record."

Jack played with the hair tie for a moment before looking up at her, "What if I want it to be friendship bracelet?"

"That's cool."

"Great, it's official." Jack smiled, "We're friends."

"You're setting me up."

"Setting you up for what?"

Layla smiled, backing away from Jack as he continued to approach the girl. At this point, Jack knew that Layla liked him. It was a surprise and he probably couldn't hide his feelings for her much longer either.

"I'm gonna let you practice some and I'll catch you out there." She smiled.

Jack only followed suit, but had slipped on some bo staffs that had been lying on the ground.

He'd hit the ground pretty hard and Layla and the others rushed to his side. He said of fairly quickly and his hand rested on his head.

"Are you okay?" Layla asked.

"Yeah. I think so. Just one question though." He paused, "Who are you people?"

Rudy was quickly to call a local doctor in and he examined Jack's injuries.

"This isn't good." The doctor said, "He's gonna die."

"What?" The group exclaimed.

"My pen light. His batteries are shot."

"Do you really have to call your pen light "he"?" Milton asked.

"Listen, Jack's gonna be fine. But we're gonna have to operate... on a need-to-know basis. So here's what you need to know." The doctor explained, "We don't have to do anymore tests. Jack only has a minor concussion. He suffered some memory loss, but he's probably gonna be fine."

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