ELEVEN. princess protection program

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JACK, LAYLA, and Milton sat at a booth a Falafel Phil's

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JACK, LAYLA, and Milton sat at a booth a Falafel Phil's. On this, no so very rare occasion, Jack had decided that he'd pay for the trios entire meal. But, this was different because he now had a job at the dojo.

"You guys want dessert?" Jack asked.

"Oh, I'm good Dessert at Phil's is disgusting." Milton answered, "It's just a scoop of hummus drizzled with sweet mold."

With that said, Jack smiled down at the bill and frowned, "That's a little bit more than I expected. Um, we didn't order five baba ghanoush platters."

"Oh. No, I did." Jerry smiled, holding his platters, "Yeah, I heard you were buying. Thanks, Jack."

Jerry soon left and Phil began shouted at people to leave. According to him, the Prince of Hachmachistan was coming to see him and he didn't want the Prince to see anyone who wasn't pleasing to the eyes.

"Why is he in Seaford?" Layla asked.

"Hachmachistan is gonna use the port of Seaford for all of its American trading. There's gonna be a royal reception tomorrow night at Seaford Tower." Milton explained, "And I'll be attending. You know why? Because I'm president of the Student United Nations Club."

"He's here! He's here!" Phil shouted.

The Prince and his bodyguards made his way towards the trio of friends and Phil.

"Welcome, welcome, You're highness. Welcome." Phil greeted, "If the redheaded bird boy offends you, he's out."

The Prince, Yuval, stepped passed Phil and stood near Layla and Milton, who stood close behind.

"When a man from my country sees a beautiful woman, there is a customary greeting." Yuval spoke, "May I?" He asked Layla.

She gave the boy a small smile as she nodded, but the instant regret soon came forth as Yuval grabbed the sides of her face and began screaming, practically wailing near her face.

After he completed his... welcoming gesture. Layla turned towards Jack who was pulling coins out of his pocket.

"Are you sure we can't help you with the check?" She asked.

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