Ayato Ashi is inlove with Taro Yamada but the rivals are getting in his way. Ayato eliminates them all swiftly.The Rivals are back. But why do the rivals look wierd ? Why are they wearing the males uniform? why are they so tall? They seem to come ba...
After I eliminated my rivals taros has been lonely I often wanna approach him but i'm too shy to . My reputation at school is +100 thanks to info Chan , nothing really happe-
I hear a loud noise but I couldn't care less about it , I just wanna protect senpai . But after a while it seems that the noise isn't stopping why is it getting louder?
What going on outside? Did something break? Are people fighting outside? why is it getting louder? It's so loud, what if they disturb senpai ? Just ignore it probably just the delinquent causing a ruckus again, they have been quiet ever since i got rid of the leader Osoro Shidesu ..
Maybe I should check it out I can't afford senpai getting hurt. I knew it was getting closer. Why are they kicking the front gate. Couldn't they just use the other door is it locked?
Wait a minute is that .. Osana ? No way Osanas a girl Maybe it's Osanas brother why does he seem so mad? Did he come for revenge for his sister. It doesnt matter anyways he'll never find out it was me anyways I dont any more rivals to eliminate anymore anyways.
I mean I am attractive, smart, stealthy, popular, and rich. Over the past 9 weeks I learned lots of skills thanks to info-kun. No one will ever think a high schooler would be responsible for the murders between the 9 weeks. Well im done here i should leave.
*the front gate fell over*
huh?! Why is he saying my name? Is there another Ayato?
I just stare at him in disbelief.
Are you talking to me?
I ask while I point at myself.
(why am a stuttering)
I see other students leaving for class, they seem to be trying to leave as fast as possible.
why am I backing up?! Why am I running?! Why is he chasing me?!
I ask him what he wants and whys hes chasing me.
I cant help but wipe the cold sweat.
Are you Osanas brother? If your looking for osana I can asure you shes not heres she's been gone for a few months, you should give up if your looking for her.
"Ayato..do you even remember me?"
I'm sorry I don't maybe I might remeb-
he hit me. (It hurts why does my heart pump so fast? What is this feeling it hurts ? Is this ....fear?!)
blood..ITS BLOOD..I raise my head with wide eyes
"whats wrong Ayato gonna cry" (smirking)
-20 sanity
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