Part 2 memorys ?

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                                                                                  Ayatos Memorys              

senpai = Taro Yamada                                                                     

9 weeks ago Ayata met his first rival Osana Najimi I wish I killed her instead of letting her live. Before I knew it she went from Osana Najimi to Osano Najimi I don't know how it happened but all I know is that he came back for revenge. 

I admit what I did was cruel but I wanted to get rid of her as slow as possible. So I would sabotage her whenever she tried to get closer to senpai.

Day 1

I poisoned senpais bento so when he ate it he would puke the moment he ate it. Whenever I had time I would gossip about her -10 reputation. During class I saw frowning so I signaled her a smile she smiled back and went back to frowning but not as much as before. Not alot happened today. After school I went to the bulter cafe and worked for 6 hours I got around 200 bucks.             +200$

Day 2

I listened to Osanas and Taros conversation It seemed that they were talking about a book. But something was wrong while I was hiding behind a bush I felt like someone was staring at me I wasn't sure who it was. So I just brushed it off. During class I gossiped about Osana again so my classmates so they wouldn't like her to even harder for her. When It was lunch I was ready to  destroy the book to sabotage her with Taro again. I waited for the right moment to destroy the book, I bought some ideas to sabotage her relationship with Taro from info kun. I was told to push the book in the fountain when she got distracted. When It was the right moment I quickly pushed the book. Nobody saw me I couldn't stop laughing in my head while leaving, well that's what I thought at least.

Day 3

I once again listened to Osana's and Taros conversation, they were talking about some sort of spot to rest.


I got a text from info-chan to buy some information for the price of 10 points. So of course I bought the info. 

Step 1 .  ...

step 2 . ..

step 3 . .

step 4 .


It said something about taking her phone and changing the photos for some panty shots.To embarrass Osana during lunch when she shows senpai her phone. 

After following the steps I followed Osana after school . 

I couldn't stop grinning when I saw Senpai already waiting and the gate. 

"Hey, Senpai- I want to show you something! Take a look!"

"Wow! these pictures are great! You have a talent"

"What? What is it? Whats wrong?"

"Gosh i didn't this you into this sort of thing.."

When they finished talking I saw Osana embarrassed and confused while I was following Senpai home after they finished talking.

When they finished talking I saw Osana embarrassed and confused while I was following Senpai home after they finished talking

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