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We arrived at the beach house rental.

We unlocked the door and turned off the alarm than went back to the garage to get our groceries

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We unlocked the door and turned off the alarm than went back to the garage to get our groceries. house hold essentials and eventually our luggage.

This place is nice and it's right on the beach

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This place is nice and it's right on the beach. We have enough food that we don't have to go out and eat. Maura I just want to enjoy the beach. Okay babe anything you want. I just want us to relax.
We made a lunch and took it to the beach with sunscreen, towels and a huge umbrella that the beach home had. It was huge too cover the area we we were seating at. It took both of us to carry it. We didn't mind after we saw photos of it being opened.

We ate our pasta and half sandwiches  of roast beef. We drank lots of water. The waves were going well but the view was amazing. Maura had her head on laying on my abs.  She fell asleep before I did. We didn't wake up until after sunset and it was chilly. We gathered everything and walked back to the beach house to most definitely to get warm. Jane got the fire going and we decided to roast hot links which were spicy on hot dog buns, chips and mango juice for dinner with a mixture of fruit that Maura had cut up for us. The two of us laughed,  talked and teased one another. Around 11 is when we decided to go to bed after we took a shower and had dessert. Maura and I both gave each other blow jobs and anal sex.

Lisa fuck you were definitely the energizer bunny tonight in bed. You were the Tasmanian devil and I  enjoyed every minute of it.
Cheryl was the big spoon than we eventually nodded off.  About four o'clock I woke up a screaming and it woke Cheryl up. I was reliving the day of the shooting. Cheryl just held me and massaged my temples to help me relax. Lisa fell asleep after ten minutes or so of massaging her temples. I kissed her and fell asleep between her legs with us having nothing on.

The following morning I woke up to Cheryl kissing me with her morning breath.

Morning baby.  Let's get up and brush our teeth. I will make us breakfast in bed. Cheryl you stay in bed.

I stayed in bed and thirty minutes later Lisa brought French toast with strawberries on the side with bacon and a cup of coffee for each of us. We both ate and drank our coffee. I placed the tray on the floor and just held Cheryl in my arms . We both were fed and relaxed.  Cheryl fell back to sleep snoring softly. I stayed awake thinking of the shooting and how fortunate I was.  I prayed to God thanking him for keeping me safe. !eventually fell back to sleep. We both finally woke up and decided to BBQ ribs,  corn on the cob outside for dinner. We slept that late but it was apparent we both needed it.

Lisa a little too much barbecue sauce but other wise perfect with a bottle of chardonnay wine. We finished up and stayed outside looking at the stars.

Cheryl it's getting cold we should probably clean up and go inside for stores in the fireplace since there are too many coyotes howling and walking around the property.

Cheryl made us snores.  I laid in Cheryl's lap on the couch as we ate our smores.

Cheryl this is a perfect day and evening for us. Thank you for earlier massaging my temples. I didn't dream of the incident anymore. Babe I  am glad I was here to help you. We finally went to bed and slept without any problems .

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