Lara meets the Mysterious Man

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The next day, Lara made her way to the palace and she was greeted by the guards at the door.

"Who gave you permission to enter the Sultan's Palace?" the guard questioned.

"The Sultan himself asked for me." answered Lara and the guards opened the gates.

When Lara approached the hall, the Sultan had a look of determination.

"Good Morning, Your Majesty." Lara greeted the Sultan."Good Morning, Peasant." The Sultan greeted her back.

"I have a test for you." he told the girl and he led her into a room that was entirely filled with straw. Giving her a spinning wheel and a reel.

"Get to work now. Spin all night, and if by morning you're unable to spin this straw into gold, then you'll be locked in this dungeon for eternity." said the Sultan. He then locked the room, and Lara was there all alone.

Lara sat there, and for her life she did not know what to do. "I am good in other things, but spinning Gold ain't one of them." said a disappointed Lara.

Then suddenly the door opened. A mysterious man stepped inside and said, "Good evening, Mistress Lara, Why are you upset?" asked the man.

"Who are you and how come you know my name?" She asked the stranger.

"I'm the one who can help you with your predicament." answered the stranger. He then looked around the room, "What's troubling you, girl?" asked the stranger.

"I'm supposed to spin straw into gold but the thing is, I don't know how to do it." Lara told the man.

When Lara met the stranger, she asked the man for help. "What will you give me if I spin it for you?" he asked.

"My necklace," said the girl.

Lara was feeling suspicious about the stranger as she had heard stories from her father about people pretending to be sick only to end up stealing the person's valuables.

"How do I know this isn't a trick?" Lara asked as she gave the man her necklace.

The stranger took the necklace. "Don't believe me? Watch this!" said the stranger and he sat down and began his work.

He spun the wheel and whirred it and the spool was full. Then he repeated it the second time and whirred it again and the second one was full as well. 

The process went on until morning came and the straw was turned into gold.

"Thanks, a lot!" Lara thanked the stranger and "Poof" he disappeared.

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