Lara reveals Ramblistilskin's Name

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The leader of the guards went to tell his men the news that the Queen had told him.

Soon afterwards the mysterious man came in and asked, "Now, Queen Lara, What's my name?" said the stranger.

She first asked, "Is your name Keskul?" 

"No." answered the man.

"Is your name Hamid?" said Lara making her second guess.

The man shook his head disapprovingly, "No." the man again answered.

"Is your name perhaps Ramblistiltskin?" said Lara making her final guess.

"The djinn told you that!" exclaimed the man and with anger he stormed out off the palace never to be seen again.

The Sultan and the Queen felt relieved that the man no longer interfered with their lives and together they raised their firstborn child whom they named Fatimah.

The End.

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