Part 20

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So the yacht lights got on and when she saw behind people were standing behind Karan and her eyes got widen.

Karan: Laddoo sit in that car and come here fast.

Teju: But why car I can walk.

Karan: No I said na sit in the car.

Teju: Accha fine.

She sat in the car and then they reached near the yaych Karan came down and gave her hand to her and then Teju held his hand and came out of the car.

Teju: Sunny what is this all.

Karan: I said na its a dinner date.

Teju: But this much huge.

Karan: Yess because its special na.

Teju: Sunny I want to say something.

Karan: Not now after sometime.

Teju: But its important.

Karan: No I want to say something.

Teju: Ok say.

Then Karan and Teju climbed the stairs holding each others hands and when they reached at the door Karan made Teju stop and then asked the peoples standing there to turn. When they turn Teju got shocked for 2 tings 1 was because the peoples were their family members KM KD TM TD & Omi, and 2nd was because they were holding  a carboard and looking that Teju eyes got wide and turned moist and Karan noticed that.

Karan:  Babe what happened.

Teju: Sunny this.

Karan: Why didn't you like it.

Teju: I love it.

And then Teju looked at the boards again and then at Karan side but she found Karan on his knees.

Karan: Laddoo the when we met for tye first time I will not easy that I fall for you but ya I felt an instant connection. Teju I never taught I will get a friend like you or a partner like you but I got you laddoo. I know when we got married  the circumstances were different but ya slowly I falled for I started liking you and then that liking turned into love and now I love you alot Teju I had fallen for you and very very hard. The day you came in my life and family everything changed the thi hs which I never did I had started doing . Teju you didn't get the love which you deserve but I want to give you the love which you were craving and some where you still crave. I don't know what type of husband I will but I promise laddoo I will try my 100 % to give you tye love you deserve and you crave for laddoo I promise I will love you till my last breath. Teju I love you alot I can't even imagine to live a life without you. And yes I know what is in your heart but I will not force if you want time you can take you time because I know it's a yess from you (winking his eye and smirking). Laddoo  but will you let wear you this ring because my knees are hurting I can't sit on knees anymore( puppy eyes).

Listening this Teju eyes got moist and when she heard what Karan said she giggled and pass her hands towards her and he slide the ring with a wide smile on his face and then Teju made him stand.

Teju: You don't have to wait Sunny for my answer you k iw my answer its a yess from me no doubt and I don't want any time. I love you I love you alot (hugging him). But I also wanted to give a surprise but because of you my surprised failed(making cute angry face).

Karan: Surprise what surprise show me I want to see. Laddoo show me.

Teju: Ok Ok Sunny look there.(pointing towards the entrance gate).

Karan looked where Teju was pointing and he saw someone coming as they were coming close he saw there was not only one but there were many people then when he saw them his eyes got wide and full of tears and the he looked at Teju with teary eyes and then she hold his hand very tightly. When they came close and he looked at them with teary eyes KM and KD's eyes were also having tears.

Karan: Dii( voice cracked).

Yess they were Karan's sister. Poonam and Meenu. I will call Poonam di as PD and Meenu di as MD.

PD: Sunny(cracked voice)

Karan: Diii(hugging and crying). Dii I am sorry for whatever I did in past Dii I am sorry really very sorry dii. I miss you dii please forgive me dii I promise I will not do like that again seriously Di...di(not able to talk).

MD: Sunny relax baccha.

PD: Baccha please shant ho dekh scans phulrhi hai and we are sorry Sunny very.

Karan: No dii I am sorry but how did you come here.

PD: Actually Teju called us and said you really miss us and she only made us understand and we came here.

MD: Full story we will tell you at our home ok.

Karan turned towards Teju but couldn't find her.

Karan: Teju... Teju.

When Karan was finding her Teju voice came in his ears and he turned there.

Teju: Sunny I wanted to propose you first but you did it first but it's OK I will propose you know. So Mr Karan Shergill the most handsome the most caring the most loving husband of mine I had fallen for you very very hard and now that I know you also love me so please accept this ring and be my forever I mean you are already mine but then too also. But on a serious note Sunny I never taught in my dream that I will ever fall for an actor but I fell in love with you Sunny. I don't know when and how but I fell Sunny I am lucky to have you in my life I got the best friend and caring husband in you. So Mr. Karan Shergill my Sunny I love you a lot.

Listening this Karan eyes were moist and Dii's and all other family members were also  happy.

Karan: Laddoo (Tears forming in eyes).

Teju: Sunny look up in the sky.

Karan looked at the sky there were fire works and then some letters form in the sky written I LOVE YOU SUNNY. 

Karan: Teju.

Teju: Karan I know I am not good in words but whatever I hope you got know about how I feel for you I don't even know it was enough or not.

Karan: Laddoo whatever You said was more then enough. I love You(Kissing her cheecks).

Teju: I Love You too.

 Karan hold her hand tightly and again looked at the fire works. Then there parents came and blessed them TM TD hugged Teju and then they did dinner and then went to home and reaching home all went to their rooms. In Tejran room Teju was arranging the bed and Karan was just staring her with love filled in his eyes and some questions related to how his girl managed to bring his sisters. After arranging the bed Teju looked at him.

Teju: Sunny I know what are you thinking come here I will answer all your question.

Karan went on the bed and hold Teju's hand and pulled her towards her and she landed on his chest her hands were on Karan's chest and they looking at each other.



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