I can't replace him.

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Authors POV:
Jimin and Yoongi lay on the bed snuggled together as everyone looked at them. Jin internally screamed at Yoongi because one second he was crying about how he didn't want to be with "fake Jimin" and then the next we was pulling shit like this.

Eunjae soflty spoke saying "I want to sleep with Apa and Papa but there's no spwace". Jungkook suppressed a laugh because the entire ordeal was funny to him but one look from Namjoon shut him up.

"Baby how about you wake him up? They need to wake up anyways no?" Taehyung spoke up and Eunjae nodded.

The child has his energy back because he started jumping on his parents saying "Wake up! Wake up! Eunni is hwungry and wanna eat with Apa and Papa".

Like that Yoongi woke up and noticing his position and his brothers looking at him he went crimson red.

He tried to prey Jimin off of him when Eunjae stopped jumping but Jimin held on tighter saying "No you're comfy".

He still had his head on yoongi's chest and arms wrapped around him so of course he'd be comfortable.

So instead he gave up saying "You guys go we'll come down for breakfast soon".

Everyone smirked and nodded Eunjae going out with Jungkook but one person stayed.


"You know Hyung, it's okay to fall in love again. Even I felt like it never would be but look at me now. I'm engaged to the love of my life."

Yoongi nodded as he looked down at Jimin "Maybe but maybe not".

Taehyung could only sigh as he walked off hoping that one day Yoongi would let his guard down.

Yoongi then turned to Jimin and shook him awake. "Get up Jimin it's breakfast time".

Jimin opened his eyes lightly and smiled the biggest smile, he even moved forward to kiss yoongi's lips but when he turned away Jimin realised what was happening.

He also remembered the events of last night. The talk and everything.

So instead he pulled away and got up walking out of the room and into his own.

Yoongi looked at him go clearly confused.

He took a shower there and changed into Jimin's clothes again and prayed that this time he wouldn't get told off.

His body guards were coming to drop his clothes off today but he decided to maybe cancel them. He had to go back to his own home.

He shouldn't stay here otherwise his omega would constantly run to Yoongi. Then the promise he made to Jimin would be void.

"I'm sorry Eunjae". He mumbled.

Then Jimin walked down for breakfast and obviously knowing Jimin he was going to do something clumsy.

Indeed he did as he tripped just before he reached the bottom of the stairs.

But as usual Yoongi was there to save him and pulled him up by the waist. "Be careful!" He mumbled but Jimin was upset so instead he pulled away and said "Why do you care?"

Then proceeded to walk off.

No one had seen or noticed them so Yoongi was thankful and when he reached the dinning table Jimin was sat and already occupied with Eunjae.

So Yoongi went and sat down next to him as the maids dished out their breakfast. Jimin happily fed Eunjae some rice which everyone found weird because we know the history of Eunjae and rice. He was always fussy with it.

No, By Choice... - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now