The tragic stories with the most beautiful endings.

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~ OT7 ending ~

Authors POV:
It was the day of Eunjae's birthday, 16th April our little alpha pup was going to turn 4 years old.
The little baby was hella excited unlike his parents who thought he was growing up way too quickly.

Eunjae was up bright and early at 6am and he had to sleep with Kookie because Taehyung had excessive morning sickness and it would upset the pup seeing his favourite uncle sad and his parents had most of the presents in their room and knowing the kid he would go and look for them.

So he slept with Jungkook and his alphas.

Everything was fine until he was jumping on top of them and getting them up saying "Uncles it's my birthday!!!! I turn four!!!"

Jungkook continued to sleep through Eunjae's whines as Jin picked the pup up whispered "Happy birthday baby" and took him to do his morning routine so that way the other two can get some sleep.

Eunjae kissed his uncle Jin as a thank you and excitedly got dressed.

Kook slept in as Namjoon too got up and decided to join them also wishing the pup a happy birthday and getting a kiss in return. He also knew they had to be up early for the plans they had set in motion for Eunjae so no point sleeping more.

Lately Jungkook has been getting very little sleep and although they were aware of this they didn't think too much of it.

Simply stating it could just be waves of insomnia that come and go.

Once Eunjae was dressed in simple clothes for now they went down for breakfast - well to make breakfast and continued to let Jungkook sleep.

What they didn't know was that Jimin and Yoongi had been up hours before to make Eunjae's favourite breakfast.

"WAFFLES!!!!" Eunjae shouted and Yoongi turned around immediately wanting to hug his baby but Eunjae? Yeah he ran to Jimin first.

"Papa thank you!!!" He shouted

"Happy birthday my precious". Eunjae just pecked Jimin's nose and said "Thank you".

Yoongi looked on offended and said "YAH I MADE THE WAFFLES NOT YOUR PAPA!!!

Eunjae smiled and said "Papa still watched you".

Yoongi gasped and said "Joon...Jin Hyung, did you see my child and how he just left me for Jimin?"

Eunjae laughed and said "Apa don't get jealous I am going to hug you too". Then he made grabby hands at Yoongi who just pouted and crossed his arms not wanting to take Eunjae.

Jimin noticing Eunjae's upset state scolded Yoongi and said "Yah Jeon if my baby cries on his birthday because of you I'm going to make you regret it".

Yoongi gulped quickly putting the spatula down and taking Eunjae to hug him.

"Happy birthday my baby!!!" He mumbled and Eunjae kissed his Apa and held him tightly inhaling his scent.

Jimin smirked at how easily Yoongi listened and turned to the waffles as Jin began to help him.

Namjoon took a seat down at the high stools near the counter and observed everyone. It was an adorable sight.

Soon enough Hoseok was down with Taehyung in his arms. The poor omega was struggling with morning sickness.

"Happy birthday Eunjae!!!" Hobi excitedly said as he put Taehyung down next to Namjoon.

Eunjae was passed on to Hoseok who pecked him several times and said "Don't grow up too quickly I don't like it".

Eunjae pouted and said "Uncwle that's such a hard task I'm gonna lose!" Hobi chuckled and pecked him again holding him tight.

No, By Choice... - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now