Chapter 10

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"Malleus I'm sorry but I don't want this".

As you said this you got up but Malleus took your hand." Please, Y/n I'm sorry I won't force anything on you...just don't leave me again". Malleus said pleading with you." You already have.." you said. He then released his grip and you left your room grim followed behind you.

"Why is he so selfish, so insensitive so annoying...Who said I wanted to live forever?huh? I don't want that I don't want him in my life anymore he gets on my nerves with the things he does. I don't want to be with why does my heart hurt so much from just being away from him. I shouldn't feel this way I should hate him for being so selfish. But why is it that I want to stay with him." As I said all this grim just listened quietly without saying anything. You needed time to sort out your thoughts so you decided to go to Octavinelle. All the students there seemed to be good at decision making.

You have never been to Octavinelle but you heard that it's underwater you were scared that you would drown. So you asked Deuce about it and he said it was safe. When you arrived there you were welcomed by who you were pretty sure was Jade.

"Welcome to the Mostro lounge. Please allow me to assign you to a table." Jade said enthusiastically. You followed him to a table and sat down he gave you a menu. "A member of staff will be with you soon to take your order." He said then walked away. "W-wait Jade I'm not-" but by the time you could finish your sentence he had already disappeared from your sight. You sat there in silence and thought ,Jade really gives off butler vibes. It suits his job. You looked around the place was bustling with students talking with each other. They must make a lot of money.

Suddenly out of nowhere Floyd appeared Infront of you." What can I- Ah Koebi-chan! Whats you doing here?". Floyd said happy to see you. "Hey Floyd I need help I need to talk with you Jade and you have time?". "Well I'm on my shift now but we are closing in an hour" he said you nodded and replied with. "That's fine I will just wait for you." "You sure koebi-chan it's pretty late" Floyd asked concerned about what could be so important that you could wait till so late. " Yes I'm fine dont worry besides I have grim with me". Okay then! See you later!". You smiled and watched him attend to other customers. After awhile you lost consciousness and fell asleep.

You heard voices but you were so tired that you didn't want to open your eyes to see who it was. "Should we wake them up?" "No we wouldn't want to disturb their sleep." "Poor koebi-chan they looked so sad while talking with me I wonder what happened"." Jade, Floyd have you finished closing the lounge?"." Eh? Isn't that Malleus's pet?" What was there name? ah ,yes y/n. Why are they sleeping here?". You couldn't make out anything else of what they said and fell asleep again.

You woke up in a bed the next day looked around this wasn't your room. You wondered where you were and remembered last night. "Wait where's Grim!Grim! Where are you!".

"WAH! why are you yelling so early in the morning?Its the weekend!" grim said from across the room. "Grim! I thought you ran away somewhere or got lost!. Im glad your okay" you said with taking him up in your arms. "Okay okay Im fine so let go". grim said complaining. you put him back down on the pillows that he was sleeping on. "Ah, I see your awake, Good morning did you sleep well?" you turn to see jade standing behind you with tea." Jade, thank you for yesterday I really appreciate it." you say thank full for his actions. " Oh dont thank me, all I have done is brought grim up here. Floyd is the one who carried you up here and Azul let you both stay." Jade said calmly. "Then I will have to thank them as well by the way where is Floyd and Azul? if im correct the Mostro Lounge is closed today."you asked Floyd has gone to restock on supply with Azul they wont be back for a while. So why dont you tell me what you wanted to say last night." He said sweetly.

you nod and say" Well..."

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