Chapter 16

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When you got back to Diasomnia you were hoping that everything was ready and that you weren't too early. "Someone is watching us, it's Hunt- san" Malleus said amazed that he could see him from so far away. " Don't mind him let's just get back to the dorm." You said trying to sound convincing. Malleus opened the door and heard a loud 'Happy Birthday' from everyone there was streamers and green balloons everywhere that you couldn't even recognize the dorm. Malleus was smiling again and thanked everyone. On the wall there was a hologram saying ' Happy Birthday Malleus' in neon green made by Idia and ortho along with other bright lights in the room. There was a beautiful 3 layer cake which according to grim was chocolate cake with vanilla frosting dyed green. And there was a buffet of delectable looking food there was so many options but after having ice cream you just wanted something sweet again. There was a green punch fountain which had lots of snacks next to it. You were so proud of everyone, they did a wonderful job. And Malleus was happy.

You saw Ace sitting alone and you felt sad watching him so you went over to him." Hi Ace are you okay? your all on your own". "I'm fine y/n" Ace said with a not so reassuring smile. You sat down to talk with him because you didn't believe him.

(Ace's POV)

Why does y/n care so much about me. They have Malleus. He makes them happy. If only they knew what he was really like. He's a monster who. Would do anything to get what he wants. They are precious to me. What if he hurts them. They shouldn't be together. They would be safer with me. There voice is so calming I can't even hear anyone else's voice. "Ace are you listening?" They asked "Yes, of course I am" I replied anyways you should have fun instead of sitting here on your own. Like everyone else. Besides it is Malleus's birthday." They said then looked at Malleus with this look. I knew at that moment that I didn't stand a chance against Malleus y/n truly loved him. Their eyes were filled with love overflowing for him.
I'm jealous.

But there's nothing I can do about it. "I'm going to go talk to Deuce and have some fun" I said standing up "that's right go enjoy yourself" they said with a smile. Y/n I hope he treats you well. Goodbye y/n.

(Aces POV fin- )

you watched ace go over towards Deuce and Jack with a sad smile you couldn't tell if he was really happy or not but you tried not to pay attention to it .You were so happy that today was a success.

You looked back over at Malleus and he was urging you to come over to him. You got up and went over to him. "Everyone I have an announcement to make". He said loudly so that everyone could hear him. Everyone's attention shifted towards Malleus and you. "Everyone thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday with me, but today was also an important day for y/n because today they got engaged with me. And thanks to my fiance I can say that today was the best day of my life." There was a strong silence for a bit then everyone erupted in applause and cheers. Many people congratulated you both. You could see the shock in Sebeks face his mouth was wide open. Silver had finally woken up and heard the news but he seemed unfazed. As if he had seen it coming from a mile away. And just went back to sleep. Lilia seemed so happy for you and Malleus. You were glad that you had everyone's support.

Soon after you all had cake including Malleus who had a small piece. It was delicious Trey really had a talent for cake baking. after cake Malleus opened the presents he got. Grim got Malleus a can opener so that he could open cans of tuna for him. Lilia got him a gargoyle crafting set which is something you have never heard of before. You got him a stuffed dragon that reminded you of him. Dragons may be scary but the toy was cute just like him. He got so may gifts such as headphones, a cooking knife set, a vase with unique but classy designs. He was very grateful to everyone and thanked them all before they left.

After all the fun and things that happened today you fell asleep while cleaning on a couch.

(Malleus's POV)

As I was finding a place for my gifts I realized that it was awfully quiet. There was a voice that I wanted to hear. As I went into the living room, I could see y/n sleeping peacefully on the couch. They looked so cute asleep. My dear y/n, my fiancé. I kissed them softly, lifted them up in my arms and brought them back to their room.

I was so happy that they were finally going to be mine. Now and forever.

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