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You groaned. You didn't know why, but every single part of your body hurt, inside and out. Yeah, you weren't going anywhere today.
You flipped over (much to your body's dismay) and proceeded to sleep for another four hours. It was four hours of perfect bliss and harmony, completely unfettered from the world and all of its troubles. That was, of course, before you woke up again, and your body realized that it was still in pain.
That was the first bad thing.
The second bad thing was that this was not, in fact, your room. You certain this was not anyone's room, actually, as you were in a seat, on a subway, speeding by places you did not know, surrounded by signs with foreign words you knew even less. You were completely alone.
To your credit, you did not scream, despite the growing urge to do so in your panic. You realized only a moment later that there was no reason NOT to scream, seeing as how no one was there, and proceeded to let loose the banshee that must have been stuck in your throat for all the sound you let out. For a solid ten seconds, the banshee reigned supreme over the subway cart, her shrill cries dominating the tracks. Her reign of terror only came to an end when the door to the right of your seat cautiously slid open. The visage of an overweight businessman with a horrifically humped back in a gray suit peeked into your cart.

"Um..." he began, "is everything...alright?"

Wow. This was embarrassing. You really thought you were alone on this train. Speeding down the track. In presumably the middle of the day.
Okay, maybe you should think before you scream next time.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that."

"Oh. Okay," he said, slowly shutting the door.

"Next stop...Shibuya..." you heard an announcer chime only moments after the door closed.
Shibuya? As in, like—

You hopped out of your seat, curiosity overcoming fear as the train slid to a smooth stop. Your phone, ever a constant in your life, bounced out of your hand and skidded onto the subway floor. In your haste, you had forgotten that you fell asleep with your phone in hand. You picked it up as quick as you could and ran out of your empty cart to the next one over. Or, perhaps "ran" was an exaggeration; the great mob of people pouring through the other side of the door out into the station stopped you directly in your tracks.
Thankfully, no one seemed to notice your door opening, so no one tried to push past you into your cart. You made your way into the crowd of people, slowly but surely making your way out of the train and onto the platform.
It only occurred to you just how bad of an idea this was when you were surrounded by signs that you couldn't read with stairs leading up to places unknown. The massive crowd of people milling about did not help your anxiety.

Okay. Okay. Okay. Don't panic here. Not yet. There are still options. Think. How can I find out where I am? What do I do?
You put your head in your hands in frustration. At least, you tried to, but the thump of a plastic casing against your skull caused you to jolt back a bit. Oh, right, your phone was still in your hand.

Your phone! Of course!

You swiftly unlocked your Home Screen, pressing on the GPS app. After a second of delay and recalculation on the phone's part, it confirmed your suspicions. You were, indeed, smack dab in the middle of Tokyo at Shibuya Crossing.
That...wasn't very reassuring. How did you get here? Why were you on an empty train cart? Was this a dream?
You pinched yourself. Ow. Nope, not a dream, at least. Fantastic. That answered none of your other questions. Maybe you should seek out some help.

Well, you could ask someone around here, but if this really was Shibuya, then it would be difficult to find someone you could communicate with. But what other choice did you have?
You sighed, looking up into the crowd to find someone who might be able to help you. Oh, hey, there's that businessman from befor—
You stopped, hand paused halfway in the air to catch his attention. There was a businessman, alright; in fact, there were three businessmen, completely identical to one another, walking in a straight line. They kept walking until they disappeared out of sight of the platform. But then there was another one, still completely identical to the others, walking in the opposite direction at the same fast pace. And then another. And another. The longer you waited, the more businessman you saw, and the more your hand trembled. You finally dropped your hand back down.

You had a thought. A crazy, deranged, inconceivable thought—but a thought nonetheless.

You took out your phone again, this time going to the Internet. You typed in the words "Phantom Thieves", only to get no results. "Persona 5" had no relatable searches, and "Atlus" was a no-go, as well. Your excitement grew tenfold, your smile threatening to split your face open.

Wait. To prove beyond a shadow of doubt that this was real...
One last search.
You typed in the words "Goro Akechi."
You got hundreds of results, including interviews, blog posts, and TV footage.

There was no more question about it. You had been transported into the world of Persona 5.

And Goro Akechi was alive.

The banshee was let loose a second time as your scream flooded the subway station.

GHOST (Yandere Goro Akechi x Isekai'd Reader)Where stories live. Discover now