Cardboard Men with Cardboard Faces

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After being escorted out of the station by a disgruntled policeman (again, screaming in a public place is not wise), you found yourself in an unfamiliar part of the city. Thankfully, due to the invention of GPS, you managed to walk to Yongen-Jaya within the hour. You had a little fun exploring the area (hey, there's Tae's clinic!) only to get lost again when you tried to head to Leblanc.

After a painful thirty minutes of trying to find your way back, you managed to stumble across the cafe. Thankfully, the streets of Yongen-Jaya just seemed to...end, for lack of a better word, after a certain point. The roads got more and more narrow until they came to a point where you could no longer continue. You always wondered why Joker was never able to go into the streets at the top of the map in Yongen-Jaya; as it turned out, they were literally too small to get into. You thought it odd, but chalked it up to the game's way of saving space.
It did, however, worry you. Were other parts of the city like this? And if so, how did no one notice?

Did anyone have real sentience?

It was a question you had asked yourself shortly after seeing the many hoards of businessmen that ignored you in the station, but never articulated before now. If you were already seeing the limitations of the game, didn't it follow that the people inside it had no depth, either?
You had refrained from going to Leblanc before in order to save the best part of your excursion for last, but now you were headed there with a purpose. It was time to test how much of a game this really was.

The small bell over the door jingled, the familiar sound accompanied with the familiar scent of coffee wafting throughout the cozy space. You had never physically stepped foot inside, and yet, you felt as if you'd come home.

'Ah, you're back,' you thought cheekily, a slight smile on your lips as you saw Sojiro at the counter. His dark eyes flicked to the bell before falling upon your form in the doorway. He looked you up and down, eyebrow raised slightly.

"Um...konnichiwa?" you tried. Sojiro frowned.

"I don't know much English," he replied in perfect English. "Do you know Japanese?"

You blinked once. Twice.

"Um...yeah?" you said. "Sorry. I'm still getting used to the...area?"

"Ah, that's fine," Sojiro said. "What can I get you?"

Alright. So Japanese was English and English was Japanese. Weird, but a pretty sweet deal of luck for you.

"I'll take whatever you recommend!" you beamed.

Sojiro nodded again and turned to the floor-to-ceiling shelf of coffee beans. You went to sit down. You considered sitting in Akechi's stool at the counter, but ultimately decided against it and sat directly to the right of his. 'That's his seat, after all,' you thought.
Just as you got in your seat, you heard a large thump that seemed to come from above, followed by several smaller thumps. Sojiro's head snapped to the ceiling, and he narrowed his eyes.

"Sorry," he apologized, turning back to you, "I'm renovating upstairs, and the men up there are making a racket. I hope it's not too much an inconvenience."

Wow. You kind of forgot how much of a twat Sojiro was to Joker at the beginning. He didn't even admit he existed to you.

"...It's alright," you said slowly.

"I'll have to have a talk with them about that," he said, lifting his face to the ceiling and narrowing his eyes again.

Good grief. At this point, Joker was just cleaning his room. Sojiro didn't exactly know that yet, but still...

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