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It was midnight, and your impromptu shift at Leblanc had finally come to a close. You were relieved, at first, but then realized you had nowhere to go. You didn't have a home to go back to, and you really didn't want to wander around the streets of Tokyo at midnight, game or not.
Which led to your current predicament. Where were you going to sleep tonight?
You thought about staying at a homeless shelter—you couldn't exactly afford to be picky at the moment—but when you asked the GPS to bring you to the nearest homeless shelter, it led you to the narrow streets you couldn't access before.

If it didn't exist in the game, did that mean it didn't exist at all? Where did everyone go when they had to sleep?

You supposed that the NPCs who didn't have sentience probably wouldn't need a bed? That didn't make much sense, but it was all you could think of. Maybe all the major figures in the game would have a place to sleep, though.
Would you have to ask one of the Confidants for a place to stay? It wasn't like they knew you, though. They would probably be suspicious of someone who was clearly not from Japan trying to get inside their home. You should've gone upstairs in Leblanc and asked Joker if you could spend the night, but it was too late now. What should you d—

You tended to get distracted easily. Sometimes, this led to you to do things impulsively, such as yelling in a crowded subway station, and made other people think that you were a fool.
...But you were by no means stupid. You couldn't be, if you wanted even the smallest chance of winning this game. Not perfect, yes, but...

"Wait, doesn't the Yongen-Jaya movie theater only open once you complete that Mementos quest?"

Not stupid.

* * * * *

The theater was warm, and that was better than nothing. In fact, it was better than what you had hoped for, seeing as how this place wouldn't open for a long time. The couple owning the place must have kept the heat on in hopes they could one day reopen. Hey, you would take it; any kind of good luck would be gratefully accepted from you.
Unfortunately, the food at the snack bar had long been eaten away by the rodents months ago, so you would have to find food elsewhere. Aw, well. It was a warm place to sleep, and that was all that mattered.

In the morning, you would moan about how the theater seats were uncomfortable to sleep in and how hungry you were, but for right now, as the hour of midnight slipped away, you would rest, and the dawn of a new day would invigorate your spirit.

"I'm coming, Akechi. Just you wait."

* * * * *

"My spirit is not invigorated," you complained. The seat you slept in hadn't been the most comfortable bed. Your back and legs were sore from sitting in one place for too long. As soon as you tried to get up, you had faceplanted into the floor because both of your feet had fallen asleep. It was a miserable morning. You were NEVER sleeping here again, you declared.

To top it all off, you were hungry. Right—you had temporarily fixed the sleep problem, but had not yet considered the money situation. How were you supposed to find money in a city like this?
Well, you could get a job, but that didn't guarantee that you could go in today and start working immediately. Even if you could, your hunger probably wouldn't let you finish out the day.

Okay, so something free, then. Who would be serving free food in the middle of the day? It wasn't like you had gotten up early.

...Oh. Wait. Duh.

* * * * *
Although your phone was starting to die, you managed to get to the nearest high school in your area. You had originally planned to go to Shujin, but your waning patience for sustenance and your draining battery caused you to simply search up the nearest school building.
Schools usually didn't keep track of how many kids there were, much less their names and faces. What better way to get a free lunch than to slip inside a school?
There was a certain risk to it—you weren't Japanese, and you didn't look the part, either. You also wouldn't have a uniform like everyone else. However, if this place was entirely populated by NPCs, then there was a good chance that they wouldn't speak to you at all.

Yeah. Yeah, you could do this.

Heart thumping and head held high, you walked with purpose through the black ivory gates of the school. 'Act like you belong,' you thought to yourself.
You made it through the gates and into the double-doored entrance before you allowed yourself to breathe. There was no one around; everyone must be at lunch. Your mouth watered at the thought.

You began to sprint through the hall, listening for the sound of voices and the smell of something delicious. The hallway branched into three separate halls, right, left, and straight ahead, none of which gave any indication of where the cafeteria might be located.
Not wanting to waste any time, you ran to the left, hoping to find someone or something that could lead you to the holy land of deliciousness. The left hall eventually took a sharp right, and in your haste, you veered to the right, as well.

Even if you had seen the man turning the corner, there would have been no way to stop yourself.

You slammed into the boy at full force, and there was an almost comical "thunk" as the both of you crashed into the ground. Your face met the floor for the second time in an hour, and you wanted to cry.

"M' sorry," you said, as if you were apologizing to the floor, "I was in a rush and wasn't looking where I was going."

"That's quite alright. I should have been more careful, too," you heard someone say in a nauseatingly sweet and familiar voice.

No. No, it couldn't be. This couldn't be happening.

A hand reached out to you in what little you could see from your position on the floor, and though you dreaded to see the person behind the voice right now, you had to confirm it.

As you lifted your face from the tile, the glorious image of shining caramel hair falling upon slender shoulders and concerned maroon eyes filled your vision.
Somehow, in a cruel twist of fate, you had managed to find the ONE school in the ONE part of town where Goro Akechi attended, and on top of that, had literally run into him.

Lucky you.

"Um...are you alright?"
Sorry for the wait! Wasn't too happy about how this chapter played out, but whatever. Thank you for reading!

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