The End Of Me

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Betty's POV:

Okay, it wasn't a new thing for guys to ask for my number, but coming from the weirdest guy at work, I must say, I'm a bit surprised.

Not that he was really that weird, but I've never seen him talking with anyone or even speaking at all, and that's kind of strange to me.

I usually turn down most guys that ask for my contact unless it was for work-related affairs. But this time around, I was kind of feeling indifferent towards the whole situation because I had really huge stuff going on in my mind. Plus, from the way he was looking straight at me, I felt like if I turned him down, a great tower was gonna come crashing down really hard.

Finally, after a long thought, I decided to give him my number.

He had a huge smile after that, and I could sense the relief and satisfaction he felt inside of him.

Since that was over, I had to draw my mind back to the real matter at hand; proving the recent murders were done by werewolves.

I'm pretty sure the recent murders were done by werewolves for personal and obvious reasons, but proving that to the general public was the bigger task.

I plan on going out on a late night stake-out with my partner Arman tonight. He was a bit unsure about coming with me tonight, but my persuasion skills, like most times, would always get the better of him.

We set out by 8pm to nearby locations where similar incidents had transpired, to see if we could find anything tangible to get on tape.

Unfortunately, the entire night just went on dull, moody and seemed very slow. With every second that went by, I lost hope of finding anything that could be helpful in my case.

We remained outside, parked somewhere close to the bar where the last murder incident took place until towards midnight, when my ears could pick up almost every sound produced nearby.

Arman had already dozed off, he seemed pretty tired and laid out, but I was up throughout the evening.

A lot kept going on in my head. I had so many thoughts flashing in and out of my mind, including the thought of Damian.

I finally had time to figure out what a dude as brilliant and good-looking as he was would be doing in a broadcasting company of a small town like Westshire.

Judging by his looks, he could be a model or even a movie star. I'm sure the ladies would be yarning to get closer to him.

"Or maybe that's why he doesn't talk to many people. He could be trying to keep himself safe from their troubles," I said to myself, looking all stressed-out and demoralized. Sitting in a stupid van while I could be at home watching my favorite K-Series or at least getting a lovely nap.

At that moment, I could hear a bit of shuffling from the woods close to where we decided to park the van. At first I wanted to ignore it.

"It's probably just a rabbit or some dumb animal," I said to myself.

But then I heard the disturbance from the bush again, only it grew louder and more aggressive this time around.

Finally, a great amount of hope rose from within me. "This could actually be what I've been waiting for," I pondered.

I tried waking up Arman.

"Yeah, yeah turn off the lights, yeahhh" he said sluggishly with a sleepy gesture.

"Come on Arman, get your dumb camera and let's go, I think I've seen something," I said to him while shoving his shoulder back and forth to make sure he woke up.

"Hurry up and come with me!"

I immediately left the truck with the torchlight and sharp edged steel we both brought along so we would be able to protect ourselves if we encountered any danger.

Arman finally woke up from his slumber and joined me to go into the woods, even though he was still feeling very drowsy.

When we got into the woods, I could see someone who seemed topless, running the other way like he had been watching us the whole time. So I chased after him with all my strength like it was a do or die affair.

When I was getting close to him, my foot struck a loose branch and I fell face-first on the ground. By the time I turned upwards to see if I could still chase after my target, I couldn't see or hear anything anymore.

"I think I left Arman behind".

"Oh shit!"

"Where the hell am I?"

Being in the middle of no where, surrounded by woods and hearing only the sounds of various creatures I couldn't see was obviously frightening.

I have never been on this side of town before. "I'm lost in the middle of the woods during a time when werewolves are on the loose," I reckoned.

"What if I get killed here in the woods, no one will even be able to find my body", I said as tears slowly rolled down my cheeks, feeling pity for myself.

"Yeah my phone! Let me call Drey," I thought as a rush of hope and anxiety took over me.
I quickly took out my phone from the back pocket of the tight leather jeans I had on.

Unsurprisingly, there was no signal.

"not even a single bar!" I screamed as my whole spirit fainted at that moment. I had to lean on a tree so my body wouldn't follow suit.

I finally came to reality and realized the only option I had was to turn around.

"At least I still have my torchlight with me," I said, trying to give myself some sort of encouragement.

Meanwhile, I had thrown away my weapon so I could run faster; leaving me completely defenseless.

Immediately I turned around to head back, I saw a werewolf with golden eyes staring down at me.
Not just like I was its prey, but like I was it's greatest nemesis.

I stood still, pointing my torchlight at its face for about three seconds, admiring its amazing glowing eyes and sharp vicious teeth, until my senses struck me like an electric shock.


I screamed, throwing away my torchlight to the ground. I ran like I had never done in my life.

I didn't even think about looking backwards until I was struck on my left arm and I fell on the ground.

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