[ The Surprise ]

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CHAPTER 17 [ New Orleans, 2011 ]

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[ New Orleans, 2011 ]

Marcel was sat upon Davina's bed, watching her as she painted peacefully. "You're gonna love it at the compound. I already got the best room in the place picked out."

"I can't leave! Remember what happened last time?" This wasn't the first time Davina had disagreed with his plan. She hated being here but she liked being hidden away and kept secret - it made her feel safe.

"I know about your deal with Elijah. We can't be lying to each other. I'm trying to protect you. With the witches still looking to kill you for the Harvest, believe me, you're safest with us." He reasoned, watching as she set her paintbrush down and began to speak when a familiar face entered the small attic.

"Plus, there's excellent light in the afternoon." He glanced at the witches paintings and allowed a small smile to take shape on his lips. "I see you're an artist. Wonderful! I look forward to witnessing your many talents!"

Davina rolled her eyes. "Was this his idea?"

"Davina, please. I understand you're devoted to Marcel, but Marcel is devoted to me. I assume you'll want what's best for all of us." He waltzed over go Marcel, placing a friendly hand upon his shoulder. "We have a meeting to attend downstairs."

Marcel nodded, gesturing for Klaus to go on. "I'll get someone to pick up your things. We'll get you settled in right. Trust me."

His warm smile did anything but settle the teen, her stomach grew anxious with worry as she picked up her paintbrush and continued where she had left off.

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Davina had reluctantly entered the compound and was taking her time to look around. It was strange to see anyone other than Marcel. It had been months since she had actually spoken to anyone other than Marcel or Josh, but Marcel had assured her that she could trust every single person within the confines of the compound and that they all had her best interest at heart. She had made her way down to the basement while searching for a friendly face. "I know you're in here, Josh. I can sense your fear."

Josh stepped out from behind a car and smiled softly at her. "I heard you're moving in."

"What are you doing in here?" She beamed, pulling the vampire in for a hug.

"You might've known. You know, incognito. Gotta run for the hills, but I'm stuck here until it gets dark." Josh shrugged, looking down at her as they pulled away from their hug.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah..." He paused for a minute, before shaking his head honestly. "No. Not really. I mean, totally led Klaus into a trap that was the most epic fail of all time, so yeah, kinda crapping my pants right now. Figuratively. So far."

PERIPETEIA ⚜️ E.MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now