[ The Babysitter ]

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[ Arkansas, 2012 ]

"So let me get this straight. You needed to get me out of the city - leaving my sister and everyone else...because you want me to babysit your brother?" Georgia glanced over at Klaus as he drove.

He sighed, shaking his head. "Georgia you are in danger"

"I always have been Klaus... what's changed?"

"I'll explain in a moment - but for now, there's someone I'd like you to meet." He parked the car outside of a large country home, with a picket fence and a wraparound porch. The kind of home that every little girl has dreamed of having, Georgia included.

She raised an eyebrow as she stepped out of the car. Klaus wrapped his arm around her shoulder as usual, leading her onto the porch as the front door swung open. Hayley stood before her, a small child in her arms.

Georgias mouth fell open as she put two and two together. "I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family. The little troublemaker all the fuss has been about. Georgia, this is Hope"

"Oh my god..."

"I didn't bring you here to babysit just my brother" he chuckled, watching as Georgia stared at her in awe. "The only way to truly protect her was to convince the world of her death."

Hayley smiled at her. "I thought you'd be the best fit to take care of her for me"

Georgia nodded frantically. "She's safe with me, don't worry"

"I hope you understand, once it is safe for you to leave here, this secret cannot leave with you." Klaus sighed, removing his arm from her shoulder.

"Of course, whatever it takes" she smiled softly, extending her hand to hope who reached out to grab her thumb. "She's beautiful"

Elijah appeared behind Hayley in the doorway, his initial cold demeanour fell as he took in her appearance. His features were swamped with relief as he stepped out onto the porch. Georgia laughed softly as Hope began to chew on her fingers, she glanced up at him, each of them smiling widely at each other.

"Welcome to the safe house" Elijah smiled. Klaus slapped him upon the shoulder as he stepped into the house encouraging each of them to follow.

Elijah stood by the fireplace as Georgia sat upon the couch. Klaus looked between them both. "Now that we've entombed our mother, I intend to finish making the city safe for Hope. Which, to start, means dealing with the lingering problem of Finn."

Georgia had been caught up to date in the car, Esther was now a vampire but Mikael and Finn were still at large. "And your dad..."

"That's exactly why we need to keep you out of harm's way. Hayley and I will return home and take care of my wayward brother. The other will remain here with you." Klaus chuckled, glancing toward Elijah who was staring curiously out the window.

"He's been experiencing some side effects since his ordeal as our mother's captive. Best he stay here and convalesce." Elijah turned, shooting his brother a glare.

"A single violent outburst at a filthy road-side café, and one never hears the end of it." Georgia glanced at him anxiously, mildly frightened by his actions.

"Georgia i don't believe it will be hard for you to set him straight, you've done it many times before. Perhaps his only problem is the lack of your positive influence." Klaus grinned, watching as Hayley passed Hope to Georgia. "Plus it gives you two time to bond, heal old wounds"

Georgia laughed softly, rolling her eyes. "Well, if you'd excuse us, we best be on my way! Rebekah should have already woken up in the body of Angelica Barker. Once she has cut the ties of Miss Barker's former life, she'll make her way directly here. You should expect her shortly."

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