[ The Bones ]

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CHAPTER 25 [ New Orleans, 2011 ]

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[ New Orleans, 2011 ]

Elijah entered Lafayette, following the sound of hushed whispers and the clinking of bones. Sophie remained focused on the arrangement of Celeste's bones while Sabine shot round at the appearance of the well dressed Original. "You don't have to be here for this. It's gonna take some time for Sophie to prepare for her consecration."

Elijah shook his head. "I have time. I owe her this."

"Care to elaborate why?" Sabine raised an eyebrow, turning to the original.

"Have you ever experienced something so profound and wonderful that when it was taken from you your life felt unbearable?" He glanced at her briefly before turning back to the skeletal remains of his past love. Sophie placed a small black smudge upon the skull before beginning on her enchantments.

"Yes, I have felt that, and I've got the scars to prove it." Sabine sighed.

"I believe that when you love someone and that person loves you in return you're uniquely vulnerable. They have a power to hurt you that's like nothing else." Elijah seemed to be lost in thought, the events of the past few weeks unexpectedly springing to mind as he spoke. He attempted to shake the thought from his head. He didn't want to consider why she was the first person to spring to mind but he could never seem to shake that French quarter witch entirely. She was always occupying some quarter of his mind; her smile, her kindness or the way she fought so bravely for those that she cared for and he would be lying if he said he didn't aspire to do the same for her.

Sabine too was lost in thought, his words surprised her but their deep thoughts were interrupted by Elijah's phone ringing. "Rebekah."

"She's gone"

"Who is?"

"Who do you bloody think? Davina!" Elijah sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Who's responsible for this?"

"It appears your closest ally brother" Elijah could almost hear Klaus' smug smirk through the phone.

"She couldn't have possibly-"

"It appears that blood is thicker than infatuation - some would even say love" Klaus chuckled, leaning back in his seat.

"We don't have time for your jokes Nik!" Rebekah tossed a pillow at her older brother as Elijah began to pace on the other line. "We need to divide and conquer if we're gonna stand a chance. They could have gone anywhere."

"She couldn't have done this on her own. Make contact with Marcel" Elijah sighed. "I'm here with Sabine. Perhaps we could try a locator spell?"

Klaus had dropped his witty act, as he placed the pillow that Rebekah had chucked at him back. "I'll talk to the priest. They might even be at the church. If Marcel is involved, It's the last place we'd think to look for them, right?"

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