[ The Names ]

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CHAPTER 29[ New Orleans, 2011 ]

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[ New Orleans, 2011 ]

The next morning, Elijah entered the compound angrily after a unsuccessful trip to Lafayette, finding Marcel in the centre of the courtyard sending out troops of vampires to search for Klaus and Rebekah. "Anything?"

"They're putting eyes and ears out everywhere. Daywalkers are working every contact we've got. Cops, dock workers, guys in the Treme... Word is out: anyone trying to earn favor with me gets a lifetime of it if they find them."

The older vampire nodded. "Good. I need a pen and paper."

He walked away, leaving Marcel stood dumbfounded momentarily before following him upstairs. "Hey, am I taking orders from you now, or are we in this together?"

Elijah began to remove his suit jacket, carefully folding it and laying it over the arm of his reading chair before snapping. "Pen and paper, Marcellus. Now!"

"I want her back just as much as you do, you know... The both of them." Marcel sighed before leaving. Elijah then began to unbutton his dress shirt as Georgia bounced into the room.

"Elijah! I got your text." She took a moment to catch her breath but as she looked up she tried her best not to stare as he stripped himself of his shirt. He had sent her an urgent text to come to the compound as soon as possible and after the state she had seen him in the night before, she didn't waste a minute in dropping everything.

"Wonderful, I need a witches expertise" he gestured to the black markings across his torso. She stepped closer, running her fingertips over what appeared to be names. "Monique Devereaux gifted me with these markings, claiming they are from Celeste"

"Okay... what do you want me to do?" She looked up at him.

"I need you to make a list of these names." She followed the names around his body, recognising some but not all. "I believe they represent the names of the women Celeste inhabited for the past two centuries."

Marcel reentered the study, clearing his throat awkwardly before handing the pen and paper to Georgia.

"Oh, it's a Devinette" both men glanced at her, each raising an eyebrow. "It's a riddle, it's old school but my mom used to use them all the time to teach Davina and I a lesson. You solve the riddle and it disappears"

"What's the point in that?" Marcel scoffed.

"Celeste forced me to make a choice between Hayley and my siblings, and now she means to mock that choice, taunting me with a childish game. The longer the game, the more they suffer. To find Klaus and Rebekah, we need to solve this riddle. The solution lies somewhere in these names." Georgia began to take note of the names as he spoke, making sure to take them down in the order that they appeared.

"The name next to Sabine..." Marcel pointed out. "Annie La Fleur, she's that witch that was shunned from her coven just over a year ago. Never knew why, but I can find out."

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