Chapter 1

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Peeta and I are now the Mellarks. We got married right before the Quarter Quell was announced. I am going back in the arena. But, I have to do it with a smile on my face. For Prim and my mother.

After the announcement, I told Haymitch he had to volunteer for Peeta. So I could make it out alive for him. He agreed, but he said that if his name was pulled, Peeta would volunteer.

Peeta and I share a house. To keep the "star-crossed lovers" thing up. Snow came to visit me the day the victory tour started. He said the districts don't believe our love story. He said the only way for them to believe it was to get married. So we did.

Let's go back to reality instead of memory lane. It is a few weeks before the reaping, and Peeta, Haymitch, and I are watching the other victors on the tapes Effie gave us. We want to know who we are going up against.

Peeta thinks I'm sick because I keep throwing up. I don't want him to worry, so I tell him I'm going to go see my mother after we finish watching the tapes today.

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I walk in the door of my old house, and I see Prim.

"Hello, my little duck," I say.

"Katniss!" she says as she runs and hugs me. I hug her as my mother walks into the room. I hug my mother too as I ask if I can talk to her alone. We go upstairs.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"Well..." I tell her that Peeta was worried about me because I was throwing up a lot. I had missed my menstrual cycle as well.

"Hm," she says thoughtfully, "You are pregnant. Congrats!"

I start crying. No, not now. I can't. Not with the Quell coming up. No. I run out of the room, out of the house. I almost run into Peeta who is walking out of Haymitch's house.

"Katniss...?" He says as I shove him out of the way. I can only think of one place that will bring me peace... the woods. I get to the now electrified fence and I remember Head Peacekeeper Thread made sure that the fences were electrified. He electrified them after he found Gale with dead wild turkey's around his belt. He whipped Gale. In a public whipping.

I almost electrocute myself. I forgot Thread electrified them. I see people staring at me with my tear-streaked cheeks as I run all throughout the district. I finally find an empty alley, and I sit down in the middle of it. I can't deal with this right now. I have to tell Haymitch and Peeta, but not right now. Not while I am out of breath and sobbing in the middle of a coal-dust-filled alley.

I sit there for what feels like an eternity, but it was really only half an hour. Peeta interrupts my thoughts by yelling for me. I go find him, and he immediately pulls me into a hug. He doesn't ask what's wrong yet, but I know he will soon. We walk home, I'm wiping the tears out of my eyes. I hope Peeta won't ask me what's wrong. I don't want to tell anyone... yet.

Okay, so I was so excited that I published this a week early. I will still post a new part next Tuesday!

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