Story 26 - 'Andrea (Part 2)'

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Authors note:
This chapter has been in the works for a while (I actually posted it on ao3 a while and forgot to put it here woops), and I'm glad I have finally finished it for you guys. I hope you enjoy the conclusion to this two-part fic where you see Hope's perspective of things :)

Hope sits down in what is probably her least favorite class. Math. Honestly, whoever invented it is some sort of psycho. Who even wants to work out some stupid algebra sum?

The one thing she can say is regular human school is utterly boring compared to Salvatore. No potion class, no magical history, no spell class. There are no books floating or students lifting entire cars and shelves. Just simple, boring days. Hope never knew how much she'd miss until she started at Mystic Falls High. She can't even use a spell to help with her homework (not that she ever did that).

Her first day here was weird. Alaric was the headmaster at the time (he's since moved back to Salvatore) and it was normal. No monster problems, nothing. No danger. She almost felt useless.

But as the weeks have passed by, Hope's gotten used to it. She's come to appreciate it for what it is, but it doesn't mean she doesn't miss her old life. Her old friends...

"So, the dance tonight?" Hope turns her head. Maya is now sitting next to her. The one person who's made her feel welcome and helped her settle in. They've become good friends and it has made the whole being forgotten thing that little bit easier.

"I've told you, absolutely not. Dances aren't my thing. Social gatherings in general are just a general no-go."

"Please? How about this, you come for an hour and if you don't like it, I'll walk you home?" Maya suggests. Hope stops. Maybe it won't be the worst thing. Maybe it will be fun. And to tell the truth, she doesn't think Maya will give up so easily.

"Fine. But one hour. That's it."

"Yay. All that's left is to go shopping after school to get you something to wear."

"What?" Hope exclaims.


Once school is over she and Maya meet at the girl's car. They drive down to town and get a milkshake each. Hope of course gets her regular; peanut butter blast with whipped cream on the bottom. Maya calls her weird before ordering a strawberry one. As a comeback, Hope calls her basic.

They try the first store. Hope drags her hands along the clothing racks, not entirely sure what she's looking for.

"You're barely even looking," Maya says.

"I am. I just...I don't know what to really look for."

"Well look, I've got a spare mask, so all we need to do is find you a dress to match it. And with my expertise, we'll find you something in no time."

And so they look. Maya grabs several dresses and Hope tries them on. Maya gets her to do a twirl after each one. Hope calls it dumb and Maya states that it is for her own entertainment.

None of them feel quite right, so they go to a different store. They pick four or five. Trying store after store until eventually, they find the one.

"It's perfect," Maya says.

"Yeah..." Hope smiles. It reminds her of something she saw her mother wear once. She's seen it in photos, and this thought makes her smile.


After spending over an hour getting ready at Maya's house, the pair are finally ready. Maya's mother drives them to the school, giving the classic protective parent speech about being safe and getting home at a reasonable time, even though they all know nobody ever follows it.

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