Prologue - Wars of the World

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G'day everyone
Thanks for clicking on this fanfic, means a lot to me.
I suggest reading this part carefully, it outlines the history of this AU and y/n's appearance(you will be picking ur skin and hair colours) and a part of her backstory


Hundreds of years later, nations were still fighting. It was a rash decision but the only thing do really, when your country was starving and bankrupt. But some turned the battlefields into a chess game of profit and loss, a way to gain illegal fortune.

The world was a place of immortal greed in the first few wars. It was ruled by heartless monarchs, who cared only about skirmishes between their neighboring countries. No matter how many citizens clamored outside the palace walls, rebelling against the rules, the monarchs carried on their game of profit and loss.

That's why the monsters came.

Monsters clad in flesh and armed with explosives. The Fallen Empires. The past come to torment the present.

One day they were there, tearing the whole world apart and resurrecting it into a sick, twisted battleground. The world was a chess board, and they were playing as white pieces with a whole list of cheats beside them.

The Empires killed without mercy, seeking only greatness until they were surrounded by the ashes and dead bodies. Whatever precious and magical resources they could find were snapped up and used for more killing. They didn't care whether it was living or inanimate, human or creature. They wanted it all.


The Empires' counterparts had also awakened. The Countryhumans. They rose and united each of the remnants of their countries, and salvaged what was left of North America, South America, Western Africa and Western Europe. They overthrew the heartless monarchs, and made a pact with the citizens and amongst themselves : to help each other until this era of nightmares was over.
They could not go back to the East, for the Empires had seized hold of it. Asia, Australia, Eastern Europe and Eastern Africa. The Empires controlled it all. They also had rare abilities that tracked down and located magical beings as easily as one used a GPS. Before the Countryhumans had time to settle, mark their territories and organize their war plans, the Empires had snatched every last bit of magic from them without the Countries ever knowing.

Except one.

She was an orphan, left in the ruins of a smoking house after an Empire's army had swept through it, destroying every last piece of life from her village. Except her. It was on the outskirts of the Countries' territory, and this Empire wasted no time in seizing it easily. That village had no particular nationality, it was cut off from the outside world for so long. It was a miracle she had escaped, hidden under the debris, and the Empire had walked through without noticing her wide, teary grey eyes, bright with fresh grief.

She was found later by a Countryhuman and his scouts. They had arrived too late and saw the damage their tardiness had caused. But who could blame them? They had to fight tooth and nail just to get here, in the middle of nowhere. The Empire's troops were still prowling about, and they were lucky that they didn't get shot full of bullets, spears and arrows.

The young girl was the only person they were able to save from the wrecked village. She had slightly tanned [s/c] (skin colour) skin and [long/short] [h/c] (hair colour) locks. The most prominent and striking thing about her appearance was her eyes. They seemed to shine in the smoky air, a glowing light-gray with white-ish stripes branching out from her black-pearl pupils. Those eyes hid a magical secret.

But she didn't know it yet.

All that she knew right now...

Was that she could never return to her previous life.

She saw that Empire.

He had white skin and two curved wreaths that crossed each other on his cruel face.

They were red.

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