Chapter 1 - Castaway

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Army training sucked. Everyone knew that.

It sucked especially for me, because I resided in the outskirts of German territory and that Countryhuman was known for his impeccable schedules. I couldn't complain much, I was lucky to have a dormitory at all.

I was a Castaway, people who had unclear nationalities so they couldn't be put into Country territories. Some Castaways were lucky, they had subtle signs of their nationality displayed. Whether it be a certain lilt or accent to their voice, or perhaps the shape of their eyes and cheekbones, they were easy to sort.

And sadly, I wasn't one of those cases.

First off, I had gray eyes. In this era, gray eyes were absolutely rare and didn't belong to any nationality at all. {A/N : This will be the only condition to your appearance. You'll see later on :)} My [s/c] skin and [h/c] hair also didn't make sense. I was practically a Castaway in a sea of Castaways.

Back to army training. The officers showed no mercy for us, their only excuse was 'get stronger so your nationality shows'. That was impossible for us, and they knew it. We couldn't fight back. As I said, we were lucky they took us in.

I stumbled back from another session of training with my muscles pummeled in by people who were bigger and stronger than me,  but they lost anyway because of my size and speed. I guess I was adept in using my speediness and flexibility to gain advantage over bigger enemies. But hardly anyone acknowledged it because I was that girl who didn't have any friends because of her weird, freaky eyes.

Pushing open the door that led to the showers, I shut myself in a stall and dumped everything on the rack. I stayed in there for a while, continuously welcoming the cool water that poured over my head. This was some of the only comforts in the army camp that I was allowed to have. After a whole day of training, all the students had free time until 9 pm, which was lights out.

The door to the shower rooms opened, and I heard whispering and giggling. I counted one, two, three, four, five pairs of feet clacking to a stop in front of my stall. Great. The drama queens had arrived to torment me. It was as if this was part of their schedule(which it probably was). They would go out of their way to make my life hell, but it already was hell. They were dumbasses for not realizing it.

By now I had finished my blissful shower and fully dressed. Three rude knocks sounded on the door, and I mentally sighed. Opening the stall door, I came face to face with a pair of glittering blue eyes, and they were anything but friendly.

"What do you want, Catherine?" Said drama queen flipped her hair and tediously eye rolled.

"You know what we're here for, Weird Eyes. It's your daily dose of reality." She made to grab the front of my shirt, but I slipped underneath her arm and emerged outside the stall.

"Look, I don't want any more trouble with you people. This is not going to do you any good. So stop." Catherine and her minions sneered, and I thought they looked like pale, lumpy toads with a universe's worth of sweaty makeup on their faces.

     "I don't care what you think, Weird Eyes. Besides, no one's going to know and if you do snitch on me with that pathetic voice of yours, my mother will back me up." Catherine's mother was the general of the army camp, and she was just as stuck up as her daughter. It was as if someone had pressed clone and that happened. I guess all the power and responsibility Germany had given her in running the camp had gone to her head, and rotted into something malevolent.

     "You wouldn't dare," I said calmly. "All five of you are no match for me. You saw what happened to your precious boyfriend in today's training, Catherine." I was deliberately riling them up, and you could see the wonderful results on their faces. Smug expressions were wiped off sweaty skin, and manicured nails dug into their hands.

"Don't talk about my boyfriend like that, Weird Eyes," Catherine hissed, blue eyes hot with hatred. Her minions tittered angrily like a flock of canaries. "You are so going to regret what I just said. You'll be groveling on the floor when you see my secret weapon. The floor is where you belong." With that sentence, she pulled out a small laser gun.

"Catherine," Alarm creeped into my voice, but in truth I was trying not to laugh. That was a normal decoy gun we used to train. "You're not supposed to have that-"

"Let's say I 'borrowed' it from my mom," she said triumphantly. She raised it and tried to shoot. Nothing came out of the gun.

I hid an amused snort with a cough. Drama queen looked up, face tomato red. Drama queen then charged at me.

I sidestepped and raced out of the room, mentally cackling like a maniac. The drama queen flock of canaries was right behind me, with red faced Catherine in front still waving the decoy gun.


"Did not!" I called back.


Our chase took us to the cafeteria, where people were finishing their dinners. I weaved and dodged between tables, people looking up with puzzled expressions.

"Stop Weird Eyes nowwwww!" Catherine burst into the cafeteria and halted, panting in front of me. She raised the gun and shook it at me. "You.. you are so dead." Before she could do anything dramatic like chucking the gun at me, General Meyers marched into the cafeteria. I mentally facepalmed and prepared for a long speech from Catherine's mom.

Catherine dropped the gun on the floor and kicked it towards me before Meyers could see it. So when she reached the scene "I" had caused, she zoned in on me and Catherine's gun immediately.

"Mother - she threatened me with that gun!" Catherine played victim so unconvincingly I had to refrain an eye roll. "You have to do something now."

And with that I absentmindedly endured a long string of scoldings and insults from the red faced mother, all of the words going in one ear and out the other. But when she grabbed me by the arm and led me away, she said something that startled me shitless.

"Germany is visiting our camp today, and thank god he did. I can finally report your atrocious behavior to him."




Thnx for reading!

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