Chapter 11 - Bombshells

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Who else feels sorry for Morgan? Cuz I do 😔

This will be a short chapter since I was going to combine this part with Memory but there wasn't time. Because I like writing long chapters, this is painful to even type in the words-*looks at other chapters*  cries

    "I blame myself for everything," Britain said hoarsely. "I should've defeated Roman and Western sooner and protected him. Now... Morgan belongs to the Empires."
    "Britain, I was to blame as much as you blame yourself," France argued. It was clear to me that they had quarreled over this many times before. "I could have helped him fight Byzantium. But instead, shock froze me and I left him to fend for himself."
"But I was the one who was left in charge of him!" Britain fired back.
"It doesn't fucking matter who was left in charge of Morgan -" France was about to say before Britain completely lost it.

"Just - just STOP, alright?"

A cold, crackling pang echoed through me like the splintering of bombshells. Me and France both froze and stared at him. It was so unlike him to suddenly lose his temper and yell. I had never seen him this angry. Ever.

Silence cocooned the balcony in numbing layers, slowly dissipating away by Britain's broken voice. "I didn't just let Morgan down, I- I also let all my friends down. And that's the reason I'll never be able to let anyone else blame themselves for this." He turned to France, spotlit by sun in the late morning light. "That's why I didn't want you to bear the burden with me."

I didn't want to see Britain sinking into his despair yet again, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. In truth, I was practically trembling inside from Morgan's story, but I felt that Britain had been misled in a very cruel way. And I had to tell him that. I know, what the heck am I doing?

"Britain..?" I said cautiously, not wanting to cause another meltdown scene. "I know that losing Morgan has taken a toll on your view of magical beings. It hurts in a way that no other can replicate, because you've made yourself believe that you were solely the one that let the Empires capture him. But I'll say that you weren't to blame for anything."

Britain looked up and smiled softly at me, as if he knew my attempts to soothe his anguish was all in vain.
Nevertheless, I continued, fidgeting on my not-so-comfortable chair.

    "It was the Empires who were responsible for all this. They worked strategically, luring you away from Morgan so that he would be easy for them to capture."

My mind was racing, piecing together the bits of puzzles that were, more or less, all connected in some way. I also had to choose my words carefully otherwise the Countryhumans wouldn't listen to me.

    "It was never your fault at all. The Empires wanted you to blame yourself, to make yourself scar your feelings so deeply so that they would be able to take you down more easily. So don't let them."
"Y/n is right, Britain." France patted Britain's shoulder consolingly. "You're stronger than they think you are."
    "They're master manipulators," I flared quietly. "They can twist and tweak your mind until the things you want are what they're trying to achieve. Lying bastards, that's what they all are. Don't let them get to you, Britain."

Britain slowly sat straighter, hands relaxing on the armrests of his chair. He took a deep breath and rearranged his face into a determined expression.
"I said earlier that I also let my friends down. It was because me and Morgan had promised the Countryhumans that once Morgan finished his training, he would help out with the war effort. Morgan was so eager to fight alongside us, and the Countries were too. But they didn't have a chance to even meet him properly, because of the Empires." Britain's eyes burned with rekindled hope. "I have reason to believe that Morgan's still alive. And I will stop at nothing to get him back and also protect you, Y/n."

I awkwardly smiled at the Country.
    "I'm glad I cheered you up."

Britain abruptly got out of his seat and straight up hugged me, burying his face into my shoulder. I felt his hand brush the small of my back and I tried to stop my body from become rigid. A few of his tears seeped into my uniform.
    "Thank you, Y/n." He whispered. "Thank you thank you thank you-"

I patted his back gently.

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