Chapter 3 - Resplendent

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I did this while doing my Geography homework :p


Loud pounding sounded on my dormitory door. The shouts of the officer disrupting our sleep seemed frantic and scared.

I immediately got up and unlocked the door to find the officer in her pajamas, panic written all over her face.

"What is it?" I asked urgently. She was too panicked to say any words, instead she pointed to the window behind her. Clouds of smoke accompanied by flashes of flame erupted from the landscape of the camp grounds behind the dirty pane of glass. Okay, something was definitely wrong.

I slammed the door shut and turned on all the lights, which triggered curse words from my roommates.

"Y/n, are you mad?"

"It's fucking 4 am in the morning!"

"What are you doing?"

"We're under attack, you bitches!" I yelled, shoving a pen which had a dagger concealed inside it into my pocket and adjusting the opal pendant on a black cord around my neck. "You can get those lazy asses off your beds, or die here! I'm not choosing for you!" I finished dressing and shot out of the dormitory.

The officer was still frozen where I had left her, and I grabbed her arm.

    "Officer, do you know who's attacking us?" She fixed her eyes on me.

    "It's one of the Empires," she stammered out. "They've almost broken down the inner gates. This building is about to be breached, so Germany ordered all the people to get ready."
I gritted my teeth. This situation was more complicated than I thought.

    "Make sure my roommates get to safety, I'm going to find Germany." She started to protest, but I had already gone down the corridor.


Tremors from the small bombs hitting the building made the corridors sway as if I were on a ship. I staggered my way to the place I thought Germany could be : the midst of the fighting, which was outside.

Sirens were blaring everywhere and the inside of the building was tinted red from the warning lights. I burst out of the building into a disastrous war zone.

Officers were grappling with enemy soldiers, who had modern military uniforms on in the colour of dim grey. Each had a shield either in the shape of a teardrop, rectangle or large circle. Printed on the back of their uniforms were a red flag which had a yellow cross on it, and rough yellow "B"s were on the four red patches.

Dread prickled through me. This wasn't a normal Empire attacking us. It was the Byzantine Empire's troops. One of the Apex, meaning they were in the top ranks of the Empires' twisted hierarchy.

I grabbed my pen from inside my pocket and yanked off the cap. The silver blade immediately grew to three times the pen's normal size, with the pen as its handle.
With my ridiculously thin dagger, I helped an officer hold back a Byzantine soldier. After a few moments, I was able to disarm the soldier and knock him out with his own shield.

I spent the last ten minutes of 4 am in the morning searching the assaulted camp for Germany, hurriedly knocking out Byzantine soldiers who got in my way.

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