Author's Note

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Some things to keep  in mind while reading:

Internal character thoughts will be represented in italics, like this!

The main character (or you, the reader!) will be referred to vaguely with no name to make it a bit easier to self insert.

Although in real life Thomas Andrews was married by 1912, for the sake of this story, he never married.

All characters in the story are based physically on the depiction in James Cameron's film, but feel free to imagine them however you'd like.

I am human and will likely make mistakes in relation to the technology/culture of the time, so please take everything with a grain of salt, but also feel free to comment if you notice I made a mistake and I'll fix it up :^)

Please comment and let me know your thoughts! Happy to accept constructive criticism just as much as compliments.

Warnings: Frightful Scenes, Strong Language

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