Day 4 (April 13th, 1912)

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A quick author's note: In the movie, this day "doesn't exist," but here we're all about historical accuracy so I'm writing it. That being said, because this day doesn't technically exist in the film canon, this chapter will be shorter than normal. Thanks for reading, enjoy <3


The morning was slow. A later-than-usual awakening led to a missed breakfast and very little social activity. Deciding I need some time to myself, I grab my sketchbook and satchel, and make my way out to the deck.

The sun shines harshly, reflecting off of nearly every surface. The appearance of a warm day, however, is crushed by the cold air temperature and harsh wind. I shiver, arriving onto the deck in the shade of one of the four tall smokestacks on the ship.

Quickly, I make my way towards the light, and relax as it finally hits my skin. My blue dress flows with the cold wind as I navigate the deck, finally finding a small bench, a spot to settle and draw.

I take over the entire bench, leaving little room for anyone to sit beside me – little room for people to bother me. I reach into my satchel and remove an intricately beaded hairpin. Using it to pin my hair up, away from my face, I tussle with the wind to restrain every strand of hair.

Finally, I take my sketchbook and pencil out. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and contemplate what to draw. After seeing such a variety of people on the ship, I'm sure I can recall enough to do some portraits, or perhaps a drawing of some of the Titanic's assets?

"Mind if I join you?"

I open one eye, annoyed that my thoughts were interrupted, to see Jack smiling widely in front of me. I can't help but smile.

"Sure," I say as I scoot over, finally accepting that my "social-free" morning was no more. He too carries a sketchbook, with a pencil tucked behind his ear.

"Feeling particularly inspired today?" I ask as he sits beside me.

"Was thinking of drawing Rose something," he begins, clearly deep in thought, "not sure what she'd like though."

"Well, Rose was always fond of birds, if you need an idea," I suggest.

His face lights up, and he nods quickly before immediately opening his book to a new page and sketching away. I chuckle; his eagerness is quite adorable. I'm glad he and Rose get along.

I too begin to sketch, deciding that the theme of birds sounds quite relaxing. Although birds can be challenging without a reference, I try my best to create a realistic depiction.

"You know, Rose tells me you're planning on making a run for it in New York?"

Jack's question breaks the silence. I look up from my drawing and he stares at me attentively, clearly wanting to hear about my plan.

"Yeah, that's about it. Not too much of a plan, though."

Jack nods. "Same here, I never got a plan," he pauses before continuing. "Say, you and Mr. Andrews seem pretty close. I'm sure he could help you out, right?"

"I think that would be asking too much," I shake my head. "Word gets around enough in social circles. My parents could find out if someone was helping me and it might jeopardize... something."

"Ah yeah I don't really get that kind of thing, even though Rose tries to explain it sometimes," he laughs. "You wouldn't happen to know what Rose is thinking of doing when we get to New York?" his tone grows more serious.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I tease with a smile. "Well, I think you'll have to ask her, and she's going through a lot but, she may come with me."

"You think, if she goes with you, I could join too? Like, I know America pretty well, and I'm sure I could be of use getting around." He asks, trying to be convincing.

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