Bonus Scene

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** Hi readers! I hope you enjoyed this story, I love you all. Here's a bonus scene (slightly more angsty). I would've liked to add something similar but couldn't fit it into the story. I just decided to write it anyways, as I missed this story <3 ** 

Music flooded the first-class reception room, echoing past the doors and into the nearby halls, accentuated by the room's acoustics. The group of musicians - consisting of two violinists, a violist, a cellist, and a double bassist - play a steady tune, an upbeat rhythm fuelled by the ongoing laughter and banter from the room's inhabitants. Listening to the music, some chose to sit, others to stand, and fewer to dance. For all, however, the drinks flowed.

I reach the double doors leading into the room, pushing them open nervously. I wonder if Rose is here yet... I think to myself. She fled the scene quickly after dinner, leaving without a trace while I was smoking on the deck. Surely she's somewhere around here...

Walking into the room, I'm hit with a subtly sweet aroma, likely caused by the various cocktails held by many of the women. I quickly glance around, hoping that I can find Rose quickly and leave such an overstimulating space.

The room is expansive: its white walls and patterned floors creating a sickening illusion like that of a kaleidoscope. I can feel the vertigo. My eyes squint as I walk, hoping to curb the sensation.

A sea of unfamiliar faces engulfs me, and I soon feel as though I am drowning in it with no escape. Enduring the intangible daggers of judgemental glaces from those around me, I push forward. Come on Rose...

Soon, however, it feels as though the world is spinning. The music, the banter, the laughter, the colours, the lights, the smells, the stares: it all crashes in on me.

I quickly stride to a corner of the room, grabbing a champagne flute from a nearby tray and taking deep breaths. I rub my temples as I take a sip, letting the cold, fizzing drink wash over me like a wave of calm. Placing my back to the corner, I stare out into the environment once again.

"...Andrews?" I call out, surprised to see him only a few feet away from me.

He looks up from his journal, away from the couple he was conversing with, offering me a warm smile.

"Fancy seeing you here," he replies, saying my name softly. He steps closer to me, standing beside me and looking out at the rest of the room. "Quite the busy night here, isn't it?"

I nod in agreement, staring back out at the masses of people crowding the space. 

"It's... a bit too much for me." I say, finally sipping my champagne again. Andrews' gaze wander down to the glass touching my lips before returning to my eyes.

"I can understand. I wasn't expecting such a crowd tonight... though everything seems to being to plan regarding the soundproofing and stability of the ship..." His voice trails off as he flips through his notebook once again, finding his most recent page. "That is, of course, the only reason I am here tonight. It's all a bit too much for me as well," he finishes, winking with a smile.

"It's not too bad over here, at least." I smile back, his words bringing me a slight comfort. "I was trying to find Rose... was hoping we could have a quiet night in."

"Well," Andrews chuckles softly and shakes his head, "this night seems far from that."

Suddenly, the music shifts, from that of an upbeat tune to a slower melody. The shuffling of feet begins to grow softer as voices grow more hushed for a new song. Across the room, men begin asking women to dance; each one bows, kissing the back of his partner's hand before leading her forwards.

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