The Reunion

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"I love him."

"What? What are you talking about?" Rose and Jack come closer to me grabbing my arm.

"I love him!" I open my mouth with a slight smile and take a deep breath, turning towards them. "I really do, I love him!" And suddenly, I'm laughing.

"What's going on? Rose, maybe it's the cold, give her your blanket." Jack starts to remove the blanket from Rose.

"No, no," I shake my head, still giggling. I let out a long breath before slicking back my wet hair and looking back up at the sky. I feel free.

"I need to go find him." I look over to Jack, "Please, make sure Rose gets into a boat. I'll handle myself."

"No, you can't go back, please" Rose begs as her face twists with worry, "it's too late. Who are you talking about?"

I stare back into her eyes and see her love. Her love for Jack, her love paralleling that of my own. I was blind to it, but now I can see.

"Andrews." I finally say, "I'm going to find him. Rose, live for me." I grab her into a hug before whispering in her ear: "You'll always be like a sister to me. Please, survive. Do whatever it takes."

When I lean back, I can see the tears flowing from her own eyes. She knows she would do the same for Jack, or rather, she has done the same for Jack. She cannot stop me.

"I love you too," she responds, barely getting the words out.

I turn, running across the ship aimlessly, looking for anything to help me find him and refusing to look back.

"Andrews!" I yell across the ship, but my soft voice is drowned by the waves of screams and cries of the other passengers. Pushing my way through the crowd, I reach a group of crewmates and stop suddenly.

"Excuse me, do you know where Mr. Andrews is?" I ask quickly and insistently.

The men ignore me as they continue walking toward a lifeboat, still docked on the side of the ship.

My mind is spinning as I continue to run. Deciding I need some high ground, I make my way up the nearest set of stairs. As I stare out across the ship, I quickly scan across the homogenous sea of passengers; everyone looks the same.

I take a deep breath before continuing my search, squinting to see anything down the other end of the ship, which is now beginning to be engulfed by the dark sea. My eyes widen as I spot Captain Smith chatting with a fellow crew member down the deck of the ship.

I can't recall a time when I ran faster. My feet hit the deck and my satchel swung behind me. The cold wind wasn't slowing me down, even though I could barely feel my fingers or toes.

"Captain Smith!" I yell, pushing through the crowds and praying that he hadn't moved from where I saw him. Finally, I reach the opening and see him staring at me, clearly pausing from his previous conversation.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to interrupt but..." I pause and take a deep breath, winded by the cold air and cardio, "Do you know where Mr. Andrews is?"

His brow furrows as he quickly paces closer to me, holding out his hand.

"Miss, you need to make your way to a lifeboat immediately." He places his hand on my waist and begins forcing me back the way I came, into the crowd. "Allow me to direct you-"

"No!" I yell and push him away, "Please, I just want to know where Mr. Andrews is."

"Ma'am you don't understand," the other crew member begins, "you need to get onto a lifeboat; there are limited spaces." The two men again begin to approach me, but I hold out my hands defensively.

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