Day 1 (April 10th, 1912)

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People crowd the streets. Cheers and yells and goodbyes echo through the city like a song. The Titanic deserved the best of send-offs. I glance around, surrounded by unfamiliar faces; rich and poor, young and old, men and women, all joyous faces. All except me.

Begrudgingly I step out of the car, nearly tripping off the step onto the road. My father too stumbles out of the car before proceeding to talk with a White Star Line official by the car, likely sorting out my baggage. Should be simple enough: two large suitcases and my satchel, nothing else to my name.

I take one last deep breath of fresh air, closing my eyes and hoping to wake up from a dream. I don't want to leave England. I consider making a break for it, but the crowds are too dense. It's too late to turn back now and abandon the plan. I'm going to America.

I hear my mother shout my name. I open my eyes, squinting from the harsh sunlight but looking in her direction, to see her waving her arms about, a signal to come over. I reach into the car one last time to grab my satchel, swinging it around my body, and make my way towards my mother.

"You know that's not very ladylike," she says.

"What, the satchel?"

"Well, that too. But I was talking about the squinting. Come on," she says my name condescendingly, "let's at least try to put on a nice act. People are not going to be impressed by you." She says as she waves her hands up and down, beckoning to my outfit. Even my nicest dresses will never live up to her expectations.

"You should just be happy I'm wearing the hat," I say while adjusting the feather on top. Better believe it's coming off as soon as I'm on that ship. She says nothing but lets out a deep sigh.

"It's going to be enjoyable, you know," she begins, "You're lucky to have a man like Charles waiting for you on the other side. You have plenty to look forward to, including the beautiful wedding dress I've already picked out for you." She winks and smiles.

"Oh, so just another thing you've chosen for me, along with the husband?"

She gasps lightly and begins to babble about my selfishness and lack of appreciation. I wish she would understand that I don't care about the money.

"Right, your luggage is all taken care of. Let's go find Ruth." Luckily, I am saved as my father strides over with my ticket in hand. My mother gives me one disapproving last look as she says her goodbye and gets back into the car. She feigns no sadness about my departure.

"Rose!" I see her from across the crowd and run, pushing through some people on my way. Her face lights up as she greets me with a hug.

We laugh as we embrace, given an unspoken appreciation of the other being on the same voyage. After Rose releases me from her arms, I glance around to search for my father. It appears he didn't bother trying to follow me, and I can see my parents' car drive away in the distance through the crowd.

Good riddance... I think to myself, knowing I may never see them again.

My name is spoken again. I whip around to face a tall man with dark hair. He grabs my hand and places a kiss on my knuckles.

"Cal," I say bowing my head respectfully.

"She always seems more excited to see you than I, perhaps I can learn from you" he says with a smirk.

Rose rolls her eyes subtly, and I take my hand back with a forced chuckle.

Before long, we've weaved our way through the crowds and lines and have entered the ship. I can't help but notice the beauty of the ship; the golden accents on the walls, the chandeliers, the large lounges. As much as I despise the destination, the journey might be quite enjoyable on a ship like this.

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