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After the wedding they all come back to home. Yn is really weak now.

TM- Yn dear there is no excuses for tomorrow you are going hospital with taehyung ok?

You weakly nodded and pull taehyung's sleeve but he didn't mind you. At party he tell you not to drink cool drinks and eat icecream but you didn't hear him and bcs of this he is ignoring you. Your eyes get teary and walk to stairs. You feel dizzy and stumbled back but taehyung come and pick you to room and place you on bed.

Tae- Did you take medicines in after noon.

You- *nodded as no*

Tae- *sigh* I will bring your clothes and medicine and as mom say tomorrow i will take you to hospital and that's final. *Stern voice*

You- *sniffs* You are so bad how can you shout at your sick wife.

Tae- *pull you close to his chest* I didn't scold you baby i am just worried-

Before he could complete you push him and run to washroom while covering your mouth. You vomiting there and he come and pat your back. After finishing taehyung help you to change your dress and give medicines and makes you sleep.

Tae- Stop make me worried baby get well soon. *kiss your forehead and sleep beside you*


You slowly open your eyes feeling sunlight hitting your face. You feel light headed but shrug it off. Then you go and fresh up and search for taehyung and see a note beside your phone.

Good morning wifey😚
I am sorry for lefting you earlier i need to attend an important meeting suddenly. After noon i will be there after finishing then we will go for check up. Till then take care.
Love you❤️

You smiles while reading this. You go to downstairs and saw mom is sitting there while giving food to jaemin and Jiya(jin daughter).

You- Good morning mom. *smiles*

TM- Morning dear how was your sleep? How are you feeling now.

You- Fine mom feeling light head but it's ok.

TM- Then go and eat breakfast.

Jiya- Yn~iee you didn't wish us. *pout*

You- *crouch at their level* Aww sorry ok. You both are eating that's why i didn't disturb you. Anyways good morning. Eat fast and We will play together.

Jaemin- Yaah....*jump in happiness*



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