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A man is standing in his office looking outside the sky while thinking about the the incident that happened six years ago. Suddenly someone back hugged him and he smile recognise who it was.

Tae- When did you came here baby?

???- Now. By the way what is my husband thinking deeply? *raised an eyebrow*

Tae- Just some memories. Six years ago this day at the hospital i thought i lost you forever Yn. *stare at your eyes*


Tae- I choose Yn doctor.

Doc- Are you sure Mr. Kim?

Tae- Yes doctor i am. I can get another baby after this but i cant lose my wife for that she is my first priority.

Doc- As your wish Mr. Kim. Then i will proceed the operation now

Tae- Doctor Can i...can i her?

Doc- Yes but be quickly.

Tae get inside and saw you there lying with so many wires. He sat beside you while tears flowing from his eyes. He can't control his emotions after seeing your pale face. The face he saw your beautiful smile.

Tae- I am sorry baby...truly i am....I only want you. You are my life and soul. Without you there is no me. My first priority is always you Yn no matter what happens. I know you will get angry after you woke up. I am ready to get slap and punishment you will give to me. But please don't leave me hmm. *kiss your forehead*

Then he place his hands on your baby bump he immediately broke down.

Tae- Please forgive your appa babies. I have no other choise. You both know that mamma is my life. Please don't angry on appa for not choosing you both it doesn't mean that i dont love you both. I am sorry.

Doc- Mr. Kim it's time for the operation.

Tae nodded and give a kiss to your forehead and baby bump and get out from the ICU.


The red light off indicating the operation is over. The OT door open revealing the doctor came with a smile. Behind her nurses holding two beautiful babies. Everyone confusely looking at her.

Doc- Don't get confused it's Your babies Mr. kim. We are able to save both the mother and babies. It's bcs of the love that God give them back. *smile* You got blessed with two baby girls Congratulations.

Taehyung can't believe his ears that you all are fine and safe. YM and TM take the babies from the nurse. They all sign in relief and thank to god for giving them back.

Tae- Yn? *teary eyes*

Doc- She is fine now. But you need to take care of her for few weeks bcs she is really weak now.

Tae- *kneeled down* Thankyou doctor thankyou so much. *broke down in tears*

Doc- Hey it's my duty to save life. Take care. *She left after pat his shoulder*

YM- Look tae they both are so cute.

Tae- *stand up and take baby from her* b..babies nothing happens to them. Oh god. *smile with tears*

TM- Yes my son. *smile at his cuteness*

Jin- They are just carbon copy of him. But gets my beauty. Afterall they are WWH niece's.

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